Archives for ndn

Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for October/November 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter periodically to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • We will host our next NDNcomm at the University of Memphis March 23-24, 2017 immediately preceding IETF 98 in Chicago. We will hold the 4th NDN Hackathon immediately following NDNcomm on 25-26 March, 2017. You can find details regarding the meeting, travel grants, and accommodations at
  • Coming up in December 2016, adjacent to IEEE Globecom 2016 at the Workshop on Information Centric Networking Solutions for Real World Applications (ICNSRA 2016) in Washington D.C., the NDN team will present a publication (listed below) as well as participate on a panel discussing “Application of ICN in Infrastructure-Free Environments: Rural Areas, Disaster Recovery, and Military Tactical Environments. See more details at
  • On the heels of our recent NDN Retreat, we held the 3rd Named Data Networking (NDN) Hackathon November 4-5th, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. See which projects took home the coveted Quadcopter Mini Drones at

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for Summer 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter periodically to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for March 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • On 20-23 March 2016 we held the 2nd NDN Hackathon and Project Retreat. We welcomed over 30 participants for the Hackathon and over 50 for the Retreat to the University of California at San Diego campus in La Jolla, CA. The retreat focused on science applications, technical discussions with a focus on NFD development, autoconfiguration IoT over NDN, and architectural principles and future collaboration and funding opportunities. For final agenda, slides, and breakout outcomes see the web page at For the final list of projects and links to code from the Hackathon, see

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NDN Project Monthly Newsletter for August 2015

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • Plans and agenda continue to firm up for the NDN Community Meeting (NDNcomm 2015) to be held at the University of California at Los Angeles campus in the Little Theater, MacGowan Hall, UCLA on 28-29 September 2015. Those interested are still invited to register for NDNcomm 2015, but we will likely be unable to support further requests to present.
  • Hackathon: 26-27 September 2015. We are excited to announce the first NDN hackathon scheduled prior to the upcoming NDNcomm 2015. The organizers welcome participants across all experience levels and are reaching out to the community for project suggestions. If you have an idea for a project, please see the Call for Projects and email Steve DiBenedetto (

    Project representatives will pitch their ideas to hackathon attendees and act as guides/mentors. We also plan projects suitable for NDN newcomers. Please stay refer to the NDNcomm 2015 Hackathon Participant Guide. We hope to see you in LA!

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NDN Project Monthly Newsletter for June 2015

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • This month we welcome Juniper Networks to the NDN Consortium.
  • Save the date: We will host the second NDN Community Meeting (NDNComm 2015) at the University of California at Los Angeles campus in the Little Theater, Macgowan Hall, UCLA on 28-29 September 2015. We plan to hold a Hackathon on Sunday 27 September preceding the meeting. We plan to hold a Hackathon on Sunday 27 September preceding the meeting. Registration is now open.

Technical News

  • The NDN Testbed added two new nodes at Verisign and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information to bring the total to 26 nodes. Currently we have nodes in 9 different countries. You can see the current status of the testbed and the real time bandwidth usage online.
  • We announced the release of version 0.2.1 of Named Data Link State Routing Protocol (NLSR). Detailed release notes and more information about NLSR, tutorials, installation and configuration guides, and other useful resources are available on the official webpage of NLSR.

NDN Publications, Presentations, and Technical Reports

  • In June, we posted the NDN Next Phase project annual report. This report catalogs a wide range of our accomplishments during the first year of the NDN Next Phase (NDN-NP) project. This phase of the project is environment-driven, in that we are focusing on deploying and evaluating the NDN architecture in two specific environments: building automation management systems and mobile health, together with a cluster of multimedia collaboration tools.
  • NDN TR-30 Revision 2: Yingdi Yu, Alexander Afanasyev, David Clark, kc claffy, Van Jacobson, and Lixia Zhang. “Schematizing and Automating Trust in Named Data Networking” that describes how NDN automates data authentication into the narrow waist layer using trust schemas.

For more information about the Named Data Networking (NDN) Project please visit