Recent and upcoming NDN Hackathons
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Watch NDN tutorial videos
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The NDN research testbed is a shared resource created for research purposes, that now includes nodes in Asia and Europe.
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Questions about NDN answered on video by faculty, students, staff researchers, and colleagues.
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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for January 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Technical News

  • The NDN Testbed has grown to 31 Nodes with 84 links. Since our last newsletter, four new sites have connected to the NDN Testbed; University of Goettingen, University of Indonesia, Osaka University, and the University of Minho in Portugal. See the complete list at http://named-data.net/ndn-testbed/.
  • We released version 0.4.0 of Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon (NFD) and ndn-cxx library. Please see the detailed release notes for NFD and the release notes for ndn-cxx library.  More details about NFD, source code, install instructions, tutorials, HOWTOs, a FAQ and other useful resources are available on the official webpages of NFD and ndn-cxx.
  • We announced the release of version 0.2.2 of Named Data Link State Routing Protocol (NLSR). Detailed release notes for NLSR are available. More information about NLSR, tutorials, installation and configuration guides, and other useful resources are available on the official webpage of NLSR.
  • We published the alpha version of NFD on Android to Google Play store, based on the recently released NFD version 0.4.0. This first release has limited documentation. We welcome help in any form: bug reports and feature requests submitted to redmine, patches, bug fixes, feature implementations, documentation and updates. To opt-in to the alpha testing and to download the NFD app, open https://play.google.com/apps/testing/net.named_data.nfd on your Android device. Source code for the port is available on GitHub: https://github.com/named-data-mobile/NFD-android

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Holiday Newsletter for November/December 2015

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • We published the “The Second Named Data Networking Community Meeting (NDNcomm 2015)“, a brief summary of the second NDN Community Meeting held at UCLA in Los Angeles, California on September 28-29, 2015. The meeting provided a platform for the attendees from 49 institutions across 13 countries to exchange their recent NDN research and development results, to debate existing and proposed functionality in NDN forwarding, routing, and security, and to provide feedback to the NDN architecture design evolution.
  • The NDN project team has submitted a Letter of Intent to the NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research (I/UCRC) program, to explore this as a potential evolutionary path for the NDN consortium, as discussed at the last consortium meeting. According to the RFP, this program develops long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. “The Centers are catalyzed by an investment from the [NSF] and are primarily supported by industry Center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the development and evolution of the Center.” See more information on the program. The project team plans to submit a planning grant to the July 11, 2016 deadline and encourages current and prospective members to contact us with any questions, concerns, ideas and expressions of interest about the program. We have received positive feedback from NSF to encourage the planning proposal submission.

Technical News

  • The NDN Testbed has grown to 28 Nodes with 66 links. Since our last newsletter, two new countries connected to the NDN Testbed. We added nodes at COPELABS (Cognition and People Centric Computing) at University of Lusofona in Portugal and at the University of Indonesia, Depok Indonesia. The NDN Testbed now spans 11 countries: USA, Switzerland, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Portugal, and Spain. See the latest map with bandwidth usage.
  • We announced the release of Mini-NDN v0.1.1. Mini-NDN is a lightweight networking emulation tool that enables testing, experimentation, and research on the NDN platform. Mini-NDN uses the NDN libraries, NFD, NLSR, and tools released by the NDN project to emulate an NDN network on a single system. See the detailed release notes with new features, changes, and bug fixes.More information about Mini-NDN, tutorials, installation and configuration guides, and documentation are available at the Mini-NDN Github repository.

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Report from the 2nd NDN Community Meeting (NDNcomm 2015)

The report for the Second NDN Community Meeting (NDNcomm 2015) is available online now. The meeting, held at UCLA in Los Angeles, California on September 28-29, 2015, provided a platform for attendees from 63 institutions across 13 countries to exchange recent NDN research and development results, to debate existing and proposed functionality in NDN forwarding, routing, and security, and to provide feedback to the NDN architecture design evolution.

[The workshop was partially supported by the National Science Foundation CNS-1345286, CNS-1345318, and CNS-1457074. We thank the NDNcomm Program Committee members for their effort of putting together an excellent program. We thank all participants for their insights and feedback at the workshop.]

NDN Project Monthly Newsletter for October 2015

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • PI Van Jacobson presented the keynote at the 2nd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2015). PI Jeff Burke sat on a panel that discussed ICN roadmaps for the next two years.  See the full program and papers for details.
  • For those who missed the NDN Community Meeting (NDNComm 2015) held last month at the University of California at Los Angeles campus, you can view most of the slides online. You can view the presentations on YouTube: Day 1 (Sept 28) Livestream and Day 2 (Sept 29) Livestream.We will publish a report summarizing the meeting soon.

Technical News

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Materials from NDN Tutorial at ACM ICN 2015

The materials from the NDN Tutorial (on “Synchronization and Security”) at ACM ICN 2015 in San Francisco, are now available on the tutorials page.