Recent and upcoming NDN Hackathons
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Watch NDN tutorial videos
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The NDN research testbed is a shared resource created for research purposes, that now includes nodes in Asia and Europe.
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Questions about NDN answered on video by faculty, students, staff researchers, and colleagues.
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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for May/June 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • On May 31-June 1, 2016, NIST hosted a two-day workshop on Named Data Networking on their campus in Gaithersburg, MD. Day 1 theme focused on the Internet of Things, Day 2 theme covered Big Data and Big Media. See the agenda and the webcast.

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NDN-NP Project 2015-2016 Annual Report

We recently published our annual report covering our activities from May 2015 through April 2016. For the entire report see http://named-data.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ndn-ar2016.pdf:

V. Jacobson, J. Burke, L. Zhang, T. Abdelzaher, B. Zhang, k. claffy, P. Crowley, J. Halderman, C. Papadopoulos, and L. Wang, “Named Data Networking Next Phase (NDN-NP) Project May 2015 – April 2016 Annual Report”, Tech. rep., Named Data Networking (NDN), Jun 2016.

This report summarizes our accomplishments during the second year of the Named Data Networking Next Phase (NDN-NP) project (the 5th year of the overall project. This phase of the project focuses on deploying and evaluating the NDN architecture in four environments: building automation management systems, mobile health, multimedia real-time conferencing tools, and scientific data applications. Implementation and testing of pilot applications in these network environments further demonstrated our research progress in namespace design, trust management, and encryption-based access control. Highlights from this year include:

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for April 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  •  We are pleased to announce that NIST will host a two-day workshop on Named Data Networking on their campus in Gaithersburg, MD on May 31-June 1, 2016. Day 1 theme will focus on the Internet of Things, Day 2 theme will cover Big Data and Big Media. Please find the agenda and links to registration and hotel information online at http://www.nist.gov/itl/antd/named-data-networking.cfm. Registration will close one week prior to the workshop.

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for March 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • On 20-23 March 2016 we held the 2nd NDN Hackathon and Project Retreat. We welcomed over 30 participants for the Hackathon and over 50 for the Retreat to the University of California at San Diego campus in La Jolla, CA. The retreat focused on science applications, technical discussions with a focus on NFD development, autoconfiguration IoT over NDN, and architectural principles and future collaboration and funding opportunities. For final agenda, slides, and breakout outcomes see the web page at www.caida.org/workshops/ndn/1603/. For the final list of projects and links to code from the Hackathon, see http://2nd-ndn-hackathon.named-data.net/.

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for February 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • Mark your calendars for 20-23 March 2016 when we plan to hold the next NDN Hackathon (open to the public) and Project Retreat (open to NDN Consortium members). We will host the retreat on the University of California at San Diego campus in La Jolla, CA. This retreat will focus on science applications, technical discussions with a focus on NFD development, autoconfiguration IoT over NDN, and architectural principles and I/UCRC proposal planning. For registration information, agenda, and more see the web page at http://www.caida.org/workshops/ndn/1603/.

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