Recent and upcoming NDN Hackathons
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Watch NDN tutorial videos
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The NDN research testbed is a shared resource created for research purposes, that now includes nodes in Asia and Europe.
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Questions about NDN answered on video by faculty, students, staff researchers, and colleagues.
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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for April/May 2017

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter periodically to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • The NDN team will conduct a half-day SIGCOMM tutorial presenting an introduction to the architectural concepts, recent research results and remaining topics. For people interested in exploring more, the team will offer another half-day of activities for demonstrations of the NDN testbed and a set of NDN applications, introductions to the open-source codebase and code development, experimental tools, NDN emulator, mini-NDN, an NDN simulator, and discussions of future development. For more details, please see NDN Tutorial @ SIGCOMM 2017. To register for the tutorial, please see SIGCOMM 2017 registration site.

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for February/March 2017

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter periodically to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • We held our annual NDNComm Meeting at the University of Memphis March 23-24, 2017. For those who could not travel to Memphis, TN, you can view the archived video streams on the web. To do so, point your browser at http://www.caida.org/workshops/ndn/1703/. You can find details regarding the final meeting agenda and links to presentations and posters at http://www.caida.org/workshops/ndn/1703/.
  • We held the 4th NDN Hackathon immediately following NDNcomm on 25-26 March, 2017. For more information about the projects and their outcomes please see http://4th-ndn-hackathon.named-data.net/.

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for January 2017

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter periodically to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • Registration remains open for NDNcomm at the University of Memphis March 23-24, 2017 immediately preceding IETF 98 in Chicago. The deadline to request travel grants is February 10, 2017. Register online. You can find details regarding the developing meeting agenda and accommodations at the NDNcomm 2017 page.
  • Call for Hacks: we will hold the 4th NDN Hackathon immediately following NDNcomm on 25-26 March, 2017. Submission deadline: March 1, 2017 For more information please see http://4th-ndn-hackathon.named-data.net

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for October/November 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter periodically to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • We will host our next NDNcomm at the University of Memphis March 23-24, 2017 immediately preceding IETF 98 in Chicago. We will hold the 4th NDN Hackathon immediately following NDNcomm on 25-26 March, 2017. You can find details regarding the meeting, travel grants, and accommodations at http://www.caida.org/workshops/ndn/1703/
  • Coming up in December 2016, adjacent to IEEE Globecom 2016 at the Workshop on Information Centric Networking Solutions for Real World Applications (ICNSRA 2016) in Washington D.C., the NDN team will present a publication (listed below) as well as participate on a panel discussing “Application of ICN in Infrastructure-Free Environments: Rural Areas, Disaster Recovery, and Military Tactical Environments. See more details at http://icnsra.nz.comm.waseda.ac.jp/?page_id=61
  • On the heels of our recent NDN Retreat, we held the 3rd Named Data Networking (NDN) Hackathon November 4-5th, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. See which projects took home the coveted Quadcopter Mini Drones at http://3rd-ndn-hackathon.named-data.net/.

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Named Data Networking (NDN) Project Newsletter for September 2016

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • Call for proposals: The 3rd Named Data Networking (NDN) Hackathon November 4-5th, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Submission deadline: October 26, 2016 Acceptance notification: October 31, 2016
  • As part of ICN 2016, the NDN Team presented a full-day tutorial on “Exploring NDN Research through Real World Problem Solving” at the 3rd ACM Conference on Information Centric Networking (ICN 2016).
  • Coming up in December 2016, adjacent to IEEE Globecom 2016 at the Workshop on Information Centric Networking Solutions for Real World Applications (ICNSRA 2016) in Washington D.C., the NDN team will present two publications (listed below) as well as participate on a panel discussing “Application of ICN in Infrastructure-Free Environments: Rural Areas, Disaster Recovery, and Military Tactical Environments.
  • Save the date: We have revised our plans to host the next NDNcomm at the University of Memphis March 23-24, 2017 immediately preceding IETF 98 in Chicago. We will hold the 4th NDN Hackathon immediately preceding NDNcomm on 22 March, 2017. Lan Wang and Christos Papadopolous will serve as co-chairs.

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