Archives for ndn-js

NDN Project Monthly Newsletter for May 2015

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

Community Outreach

  • Save the date: We will host the NDN Community Meeting 2015 at the University of California at Los Angeles campus in the Little Theatre of McGowan Hall on 28-29 September 2015. We plan to hold a Hackathon on Sunday 27 September preceding the meeting.

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NDN Project Monthly Newsletter for February 2015

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted in the Named Data Network’s Monthly Newsletters.

Community Outreach

We posted two new NDN FAQ videos:

  1. Lan Wang, Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Memphis answers the question, “What routing strategies are being explored for NDN?
  2. David Clark, Senior Research Scientist at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab addresses the question, “Why should future internet architecture research be application driven?

See all the NDN FAQ videos at:

Technical News

  • We announced the release of version 0.3.0 of Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon (NFD) and ndn-cxx library.

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NDN Project Monthly Newsletter for December 2014

The NDN project team compiles and publishes this newsletter monthly to inform the community about recent activities, technical news, meetings, publications, presentations, code releases, and upcoming events. You can find these newsletters posted on the Named Data Networking Project blog.

  1. The NDN Community Workshop report for NDNcomm 2014 will be available in January.
  2. This month we welcome Intel Corporation to the NDN NP Consortium. Eve Schooler whom we have enjoyed at several of our NDN meetings will act as point of contact for Intel.
  3. We plan to hold the next NDN Project Technical Retreat on 5-6 February 2015 at the University of California, San Diego. This retreat will host deep dive technical discussions with a focus on security solution development for specific environments: (Ask Lixia if you wonder whether you should attend. The next NDNcomm meeting will be of more general interest and be held September 2015.)

Technical News

  1. The NDN Testbed has grown to 22 Nodes and 50 links. We have nodes in China, Japan, South Korea, France, Switzerland, Spain and the US. The most recent addition was Anyang University in South Korea.

    To see the latest information, check the status page. To see the bandwidth usage, see the Bandwidth Map.

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