11th NDN Hackathon – May 21 – 23, 2021

A two-day Virtual NDN Hackathon will be hosted on May 21 – May 23, 2021.
The event is open and FREE to participate and the winners will get exciting prizes!
The event targets all levels of participants and especially for beginners, it will be a good learning opportunity and get started with NDN.

To Register for the Hackathon, Click Here


  • Registration Deadline: May 18, 2021
  • Project Submission Deadline: May 18, 2021
  • Acceptance Notification: May 20, 2021

Call for Hacks

We solicit hackathon project proposals that advance the state of NDN. Participants will have approximately 12 hours to work on their projects. Proposals should be submitted via web form. We encourage projects that:

  • directly address NDN research needs
  • create new NDN tools or modify existing tools
  • create or improve documentation and how-to guides

Remote participation!

A video conference link will be sent out before the hackathon. With that, the remote participants can:

  • watch the project pitches
  • pitch projects
  • present projects

A slack channel will be created for communication.

For more details visit the Hackathon Page