Egal Car: A Peer-to-Peer Car Racing Game Synchronized Over Named Data Networking

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Egal Car: A Peer-to-Peer Car Racing Game Synchronized Over Named Data Networking by Zening Qu and Jeff Burke
NDN Technical Report NDN-0010, October, 2012.

Multiplayer online games require synchronization mechanisms to maintain game state consistency among all the players. This project explored the use of the emerging collection synchronization primitives in Named Data Networking (NDN) to easily synchronize a simple multiplayer car racing game, Egal Car, in a peer-to-peer fashion. The game was based on a Unity game engine demo application. To implement the experiment, C# bindings usable in Unity were built for PARC’s CCNx library, including the new Sync protocol. The impacts of the unordered nature of default CCNx synchronization and unreliable delivery in basic Interest/data exchange were explored. This work will inform an upcoming exploration of how to build a more extensive multiplayer role-playing game using NDN.