NDNlive and NDNtube: Live and Prerecorded Video Streaming over NDN

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NDNlive and NDNtube: Live and Prerecorded Video Streaming over NDN. Lijing Wang, Ilya Moiseenko, and Lixia Zhang.
NDN, Technical Report NDN-0031, Revision 1: April 30, 2015.

Named Data Networking offers significant advantages for media distribution applications: in-network caching and multicast capabilities. This technical report provides a detailed view on two video streaming applications: NDNlive and NDNtube. NDNlive is capable of streaming live video captured by the camera and handling network problems by dropping individual video or audio frames. NDNtube prototypes Youtube-like user experience by serving dynamically generated playlist and streaming the media in its original quality. Both applications were developed on top of Consumer / Producer API providing a convenient way of publishing and fetching ADUs of any size, and Gstreamer library providing media decoding/encoding functionality.