Background: Lan Wang


Dr. Lan Wang is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Memphis. She holds a B.S. degree (1997) in Computer Science from Peking University, China and a Ph.D. degree (2004) in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include future Internet architecture, Internet routing, network security, network performance measurement and sensor networks.


Dr. Lan Wang and members of her Networking Research Lab are interested in developing scalable name-based routing protocols for NDN. They are also interested in the interactions between NDN forwarding strategy and routing.

NDN Plans:

We plan to use the NDN testbed to evaluate the performance of our routing protocols. Although we have an internal testbed and have been using Emulab for our evaluation, it is still much more interesting to observe the performance of the routing protocol on the NDN testbed, as the nodes are more geographically dispersed and there are other applications running on the testbed — the higher loss rate and more realistic cross traffic can stress the protocol much more than those offered by an internal testbed or an emulated testbed.
