Background: Craig Murray


I am Senior Research Scientist at Verisign, Inc. I have been working in the computer technology industry for 20 years. I have broad experience in building and maintaining network systems. I have an MLS from University of Maryland and have completed all but the dissertation toward a PhD in Information Science, also at the University of Maryland. My research background is in information retrieval and data management. More recently, I have been involved in research and development in the naming of content and managing access to data assets.


I am interested in two aspects of NDN. First, I am very interested in how name spaces will evolve. In particular, I am interested in how creation, deletion and access revocation can best be managed. Second, I am interested in exploring mechanisms to protect privacy. I hope to explore ways to ensure levels of privacy and the implications of different privacy mechanisms for the distribution of content.

NDN Plans:

Initially we plan to study the problem of access control. We intend to build a prototype system for digital rights management as a means to explore issues of granting and revoking access to content. We envision a system that will leverage the caching advantages of NDN while simultaneously controlling access to protected content via a one-time-use mechanism. We believe we can develop a system that will outperform simple encryption-based approaches in a number of ways.