Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cndn::security::AdditionalDescriptionRepresents an AdditionalDescription TLV element
 Cndn::security::v2::AdditionalDescriptionRepresents an AdditionalDescription TLV element
 Cndn::detail::AesKeyParamsInfoAesKeyParamsInfo is used to instantiate SimpleSymmetricKeyParams for AES keys
 Cstd::array< T >STL class
 Cndn::AsHexHelper class to convert a number to hexadecimal format, for use with stream insertion operators
 Cndn::encoding::detail::BinaryBlockFast< Iterator >Create a binary block copying from RandomAccessIterator
 Cndn::encoding::detail::BinaryBlockSlow< Iterator >Create a binary block copying from generic InputIterator
 Cndn::BlockRepresents a TLV element of the NDN packet format
 Cndn::lp::CachePolicyRepresents a CachePolicy header field
 CCachePolicyTagA packet tag for CachePolicy field
 Cndn::detail::CancelHandleHandle to cancel an operation
 Cndn::security::detail::CertificateBundleDecoderHelper class to decode a certificate bundle
 Cndn::detail::CFReleaser< T >Helper class to wrap CoreFoundation object pointers
 Cndn::nfd::ChannelStatusRepresents an item in NFD Channel dataset
 Cboost::chrono::clock_string< ndn::time::steady_clock, CharT >
 Cboost::chrono::clock_string< ndn::time::system_clock, CharT >
 Cndn::nfd::CommandOptionsContains options for ControlCommand execution
 CCongestionMarkTagA packet tag for CongestionMark field
 Cndn::util::signal::ConnectionRepresents a connection to a signal
 Cndn::InMemoryStorage::const_iteratorRepresents a self-defined const_iterator for the in-memory storage
 Cndn::mgmt::ControlParametersBase class for a struct that contains ControlCommand parameters
 Cndn::mgmt::ControlResponseControlCommand response
 Cndn::nfd::CsInfoRepresents the CS Information dataset
 Cndn::time::CustomClock< BaseClock >Class implementing custom system or steady clock behavior
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, T >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, EmptyValue >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, NonNegativeIntegerTag >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, std::pair< Buffer::const_iterator, Buffer::const_iterator > >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, uint64_t >
 Cndn::util::signal::DummyExtraArg(implementation detail) a filler for extra argument
 Cndn::detail::EcKeyParamsInfoEcKeyParamInfo is used to instantiate SimplePublicKeyParams for elliptic curve keys
 Cndn::lp::EmptyValueRepresents a zero-length TLV-VALUE
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, T >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, EmptyValue >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, NonNegativeIntegerTag >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, std::pair< Buffer::const_iterator, Buffer::const_iterator > >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, uint64_t >
 Cndn::encoding::EncodingImpl< TAG >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cndn::nfd::FaceQueryFilterRepresents Face Query Filter
 Cndn::nfd::FaceTraits< C >Provides getters and setters for face information fields
 Cndn::nfd::FaceTraits< FaceEventNotification >
 Cndn::nfd::FaceTraits< FaceStatus >
 Cndn::FaceUriThe underlying protocol and address used by a Face
 Cndn::lp::Field< X >Concept check for fields
 Cndn::nfd::ForwarderStatusRepresents NFD General Status dataset
 Cstd::hash< ndn::ethernet::Address >
 Cstd::hash< ndn::Name >
 Cndn::detail::HmacKeyParamsInfoHmacKeyParamsInfo is used to instantiate SimpleSymmetricKeyParams for HMAC keys
 Cndn::security::pib::IdentityFrontend handle for an identity in the PIB
 CIncomingFaceIdTagA packet tag for IncomingFaceId field
 Cndn::InterestFilterDeclares the set of Interests a producer can serve
 Cndn::security::InterestSignerHelper class to create signed Interests
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cndn::security::pib::KeyFrontend handle for a key in the PIB
 Cndn::KeyParamsBase class for key parameters
 Cndn::security::MakeCertificateOptionsOptions to KeyChain::makeCertificate()
 Cndn::MetadataObjectClass for RDR-style metadata encoding/decoding
 Cndn::MetaInfoA MetaInfo holds the meta info which is signed inside the Data packet
 Cndn::lp::NackHeaderRepresents a Network Nack header
 Cndn::NameRepresents an absolute name
 Cndn::net::NetworkAddressStores one IP address supported by a network interface
 Cndn::net::NetworkInterfaceRepresents one network interface attached to the host
 CNextHopFaceIdTagA packet tag for NextHopFaceId field
 CNonDiscoveryTagA packet tag for NonDiscovery field
 Cndn::util::DummyClientFace::OptionsOptions for DummyClientFace
 Cndn::ostream_joiner< DelimT, CharT, Traits >
 Cndn::PrefixAnnouncementA prefix announcement object that represents an application's intent of registering a prefix toward itself
 Cndn::lp::PrefixAnnouncementHeaderRepresents a PrefixAnnouncement header field in NDNLP
 CPrefixAnnouncementTagA packet tag for PrefixAnnouncement field
 Cndn::tlv::detail::ReadNumberFast< Iterator >Function object to read a number from ContiguousIterator
 Cndn::tlv::detail::ReadNumberSlow< Iterator >Function object to read a number from InputIterator
 Cndn::nfd::RibEntryRepresents an item in NFD RIB dataset
 Cndn::nfd::RouteFlagsTraits< T >Defines getters for each route inheritance flag
 Cndn::nfd::RouteFlagsTraits< Route >
 Cndn::detail::RsaKeyParamsInfoRsaKeyParamInfo is used to instantiate SimplePublicKeyParams for RSA keys
 Cndn::util::RttEstimatorRTT/RTO estimator
 Cndn::security::SafeBagA secured container for sensitive information (certificate, private key)
 Cndn::detail::ScopedCancelHandle< HandleT >Cancels an operation automatically upon destruction
 Cndn::detail::ScopedCancelHandle< EventId >
 Cndn::detail::ScopedCancelHandle< PendingInterestHandle >
 Cndn::detail::ScopedCancelHandle< RegisteredPrefixHandle >
 Cndn::util::signal::ScopedConnectionDisconnects a Connection automatically upon destruction
 Cndn::util::SegmenterUtility class to segment an object into multiple Data packets
 Cndn::util::Sha256Provides stateful SHA-256 digest calculation
 Cndn::SignatureInfoRepresents a SignatureInfo or InterestSignatureInfo TLV element
 Cndn::security::SigningInfoSigning parameters passed to KeyChain
 Cndn::time::steady_clockSteady clock
 Cndn::nfd::StrategyChoiceRepresents an item in NFD StrategyChoice dataset
 Cndn::time::system_clockSystem clock
 Cndn::TagBase class for packet tags that can hold any arbitrary information
 Cndn::TagHostBase class to store tag information, e.g., inside Interest and Data packets
 Cndn::time::UnitTestClockTraits< BaseClock >Traits for UnitTestClock, defining default behavior for different clocks
 Cndn::time::UnitTestClockTraits< system_clock >Specialization of UnitTestClockTraits for system_clock
 Cndn::security::transform::UpstreamThe upstream interface of a transformation module
 Cndn::security::v2::ValidationErrorValidation error code and optional detailed error message
 Cndn::security::ValidationErrorValidation error code and optional detailed error message
 Cndn::security::ValidityPeriodRepresents a ValidityPeriod TLV element
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cndn::WireDecodable< X >A concept check for TLV abstraction with a wireDecode(Block) method and constructible from Block
 Cndn::WireEncodable< X >A concept check for TLV abstraction with a wireEncode() method
 Cndn::WireEncodableWithEncodingBuffer< X >A concept check for TLV abstraction with a wireEncode(EncodingBuffer) method