Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cndn::AesAlgorithmStatic methods to manipulate keys, encrypt and decrypt using the AES symmetric key cipher
 Cndn::AesAlgorithmLiteStatic methods to encrypt and decrypt using the AES symmetric key cipher
 Cndn::AsyncSocketTransport< AsioProtocol >AsyncSocketTransport is a helper template class for AsyncTcpTransport and AsyncUnixTransport to implement common socket communication tasks using Boost's asio io_service
 Cndn::BoostInfoParserA BoostInfoParser reads files in Boost's INFO format and constructs a BoostInfoTree
 Cndn::BoostInfoTreeBoostInfoTree is provided for compatibility with the Boost INFO property list format used in ndn-cxx
 Cndn::CertificateCacheA CertificateCache is used to save other users' certificate during verification
 Cndn::CertificateExtensionA CertificateExtension represents the Extension entry in a certificate
 Cndn::CertificateSubjectDescriptionA CertificateSubjectDescription represents the SubjectDescription entry in a Certificate
 Cndn::ChangeCounter< T >A ChangeCounter keeps a target object whose change count is tracked by a local change count
 Cndn::ChangeCounter< ndn::Exclude >
 Cndn::ChangeCounter< ndn::KeyLocator >
 Cndn::ChangeCounter< ndn::MetaInfo >
 Cndn::ChangeCounter< ndn::Name >
 Cndn::ChronoSync2013ChronoSync2013 implements the NDN ChronoSync protocol as described in the 2013 paper "Let's ChronoSync: Decentralized Dataset State Synchronization in Named Data Networking"
 Cndn::CommandInterestGeneratorAn CommandInterestGenerator keeps track of a timestamp and generates command interests according to the NFD Signed Command Interests protocol:
 Cndn::DigestTree::Node::CompareCompare shared_ptrs to Node based on dataPrefix_ and seqno_session_
 Cndn::MemoryContentCache::StaleTimeContent::CompareCompare shared_ptrs to Content based only on staleTimeMilliseconds_
 Cndn::DelayedCallTable::Entry::CompareCompare shared_ptrs to Entry based only on callTime_
 Cndn::Name::ComponentA Name::Component holds a read-only name component value
 Cndn::ConfigFileA ConfigFile locates, opens, and parses a library configuration file, and holds the values for the application to get
 Cndn::Transport::ConnectionInfoA Transport::ConnectionInfo is a base class for connection information used by subclasses of Transport
 Cndn::ConsumerA Consumer manages fetched group keys used to decrypt a data packet in the group-based encryption protocol
 Cndn::ConsumerDbConsumerDb is an abstract base class the storage of decryption keys for the consumer
 Cndn::ControlParametersA ControlParameters holds a Name and other fields for a ControlParameters which is used, for example, in the command interest to register a prefix with a forwarder
 Cndn::ControlResponseA ControlResponse holds a status code, status text and other fields for a ControlResponse which is used, for example, in the response from sending a register prefix control command to a forwarder
 Cndn::CryptoLiteCryptoLite has static methods for basic cryptography operations
 Cndn::DelegationSet::DelegationA DelegationSet::Delegation holds a preference number and delegation name
 Cndn::DelegationSetA DelegationSet holds a list of DelegationSet::Delegation entries which is used as the content of a Link instance
 Cndn::DerNodeDerNode implements the DER node types used in encoding/decoding DER-formatted data
 Cndn::EncryptedContentAn EncryptedContent holds an encryption type, a payload and other fields representing encrypted content
 Cndn::EncryptErrorEncryptError holds the ErrorCode enum and OnError callback definition for errors from the encrypt library
 Cndn::EncryptKeyAn EncryptKey supplies the key for encrypt
 Cndn::EncryptorEncryptor has static constants and utility methods for encryption, such as encryptData
 Cndn::EncryptParamsAn EncryptParams holds an algorithm type and other parameters used to encrypt and decrypt
 Cndn::Exclude::EntryAn Exclude::Entry holds an ndn_ExcludeType, and if it is a COMPONENT, it holds the component value
 Cndn::InterestFilterTable::EntryAn Entry holds an interestFilterId, an InterestFilter and the OnInterestCallback with its related Face
 Cndn::PendingInterestTable::EntryEntry holds the callbacks and other fields for an entry in the pending interest table
 Cndn::ExcludeAn Exclude holds a vector of Exclude::Entry
 Cndn::FaceMain methods for NDN communication
 Cndn::ForwardingFlagsA ForwardingFlags object holds the flags which specify how the forwarding daemon should forward an interest for a registered prefix
 Cndn::GroupManagerA GroupManager manages keys and schedules for group members in a particular namespace
 Cndn::GroupManagerDbGroupManagerDb is an abstract base class for the storage of data used by the GroupManager
 Cndn::IdentityManagerAn IdentityManager is the interface of operations related to identity, keys, and certificates
 Cndn::IdentityStorageIdentityStorage is a base class for the storage of identity, public keys and certificates
 Cndn::InterestAn Interest holds a Name and other fields for an interest
 Cndn::InterestFilterAn InterestFilter holds a Name prefix and optional regex match expression for use in Face::setInterestFilter
 Cndn::InterestFilterTableAn InterestFilterTable is an internal class to hold a list of entries with an interest Filter and its OnInterestCallback
 Cndn::IntervalAn Interval defines a time duration which contains a start timestamp and an end timestamp
 Cndn::KeyChainKeyChain is the main class of the security library
 Cndn::KeyParamsKeyParams is a base class for key parameters
 Cndn::LpPacketAn LpPacket represents an NDNLPv2 packet including header fields an an optional fragment
 Cndn::LpPacketHeaderFieldThis is a base class for LP packet header fields like NetworkNack
 Cndn::MemoryContentCacheA MemoryContentCache holds a set of Data packets and answers an Interest to return the correct Data packet
 Cndn::MetaInfoA MetaInfo holds the meta info which is signed inside the data packet
 Cndn::NameA Name holds an array of Name::Component and represents an NDN name
 Cndn_BlobCopyright (C) 2015-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_ControlParametersAn ndn_ControlParameters holds fields for a ControlParameters which is used in the command interest such as to register a prefix with a forwarder
 Cndn_ControlResponseCopyright (C) 2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_DelegationSet_DelegationCopyright (C) 2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_DynamicUInt8ArrayA struct ndn_DynamicUInt8Array holds a pointer to an allocated array, the length of the allocated array, and an optional realloc function which can changes its size
 Cndn_EcKeyInfoCopyright (C) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_EcPrivateKeyA struct ndn_EcPrivateKey holds a decoded EC private key for use in crypto operations
 Cndn_EcPublicKeyA struct ndn_EcPublicKey holds a decoded EC public key for use in crypto operations
 Cndn_ElementListenerAn ndn_ElementListener struct holds a function pointer onReceivedElement
 Cndn_ElementReaderA ndn_ElementReader lets you call ndn_ElementReader_onReceivedData multiple times which uses an ndn_TlvStructureDecoder as needed to detect the end of a TLV element, and calls (*elementListener->onReceivedElement)(element, elementLength) with the element
 Cndn_EncryptedContentCopyright (C) 2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_EncryptParamsAn ndn_EncryptParams holds an algorithm type and other parameters used to encrypt and decrypt
 Cndn_ExcludeAn ndn_Exclude holds an array of ndn_ExcludeEntry
 Cndn_ExcludeEntryAn ndn_ExcludeEntry holds an ndn_ExcludeType, and if it is a COMPONENT, it holds a pointer to the component value
 Cndn_ForwardingFlagsCopyright (C) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_IncomingFaceIdCopyright (C) 2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_InterestAn ndn_Interest holds an ndn_Name and other fields for an interest
 Cndn_KeyLocatorAn ndn_KeyLocator holds the type of key locator and related data
 Cndn_LpPacketAn ndn_LpPacket holds a list of LP packet header fields and an optional fragment wire encoding
 Cndn_LpPacketHeaderFieldAn ndn_LpPacketHeaderField holds a type and a union with values for the different types of LP packet header field
 Cndn_MetaInfoAn ndn_MetaInfo struct holds the meta info which is signed inside the data packet
 Cndn_NameAn ndn_Name holds an array of ndn_NameComponent
 Cndn_NameComponentAn ndn_NameComponent holds a pointer to the component value
 Cndn_NetworkNackAn ndn_NetworkNack represents a network Nack packet and includes a Nack reason
 Cndn_RsaPrivateKeyA struct ndn_RsaPrivateKey holds a decoded RSA private key for use in crypto operations
 Cndn_RsaPublicKeyA struct ndn_RsaPublicKey holds a decoded RSA public key for use in crypto operations
 Cndn_SignatureAn ndn_Signature struct holds the signature bits and other info representing the signature in a data packet or signed interest
 Cndn_SocketTransportCopyright (C) 2015-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_TlvDecoderCopyright (C) 2014-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn_TlvEncoderCopyright (C) 2014-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn::MemoryContentCache::PendingInterestA PendingInterest holds an interest which onInterest received but could not satisfy
 Cndn::PendingInterestTableA PendingInterestTable is an internal class to hold a list of pending interests with their callbacks
 Cndn::PolicyManagerA PolicyManager is an abstract base class to represent the policy for verifying data packets
 Cndn::ProducerA Producer manages content keys used to encrypt a data packet in the group-based encryption protocol
 Cndn::ProducerDbProducerDb is an abstract base class for the storage of keys for the producer
 Cndn::ProtobufTlvProtobufTlv has static methods to encode and decode an Protobuf Message object as NDN-TLV
 Cndn::RegisteredPrefixTableA RegisteredPrefixTable is an internal class to hold a list of registered prefixes with information necessary to remove the registration later
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< Element >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::ChannelStatusMessage_ChannelStatus >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::ControlParametersTypes_ControlParameters >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::FaceQueryFilterMessage_FaceQueryFilter >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::FaceStatusMessage_FaceStatus >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::FibEntryMessage_NextHopRecord >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::RibEntryMessage_RibEntry >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::ndn_message::ndn_message::RibEntryMessage_Route >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::std::string >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Sync::Sync::SyncState >
 Cndn::RepetitiveIntervalA RepetitiveInterval is an advanced interval which can repeat and can be used to find a simple Interval that a time point falls in
 Cndn::RsaAlgorithmStatic methods to manipulate keys, encrypt and decrypt using RSA
 Cndn::ScheduleSchedule is used to manage the times when a member can access data using two sets of RepetitiveInterval as follows
 Cndn::SharedPointerChangeCounter< T >A ChangeCounter keeps a shared_ptr to a target object whose change count is tracked by a local change count
 Cndn::SharedPointerChangeCounter< ndn::Link >
 Cndn::SharedPointerChangeCounter< ndn::Signature >
 Cndn::SignatureA Signature is an abstract base class providing methods to work with the signature information in a Data packet
 Cndn::ChronoSync2013::SyncStateA SyncState holds the values of a sync state message which is passed to the onReceivedSyncState callback which was given to the ChronoSyn2013 constructor
 Cndn::Tlv0_2WireFormatLiteA Tlv0_2WireFormatLite implements implement encoding and decoding using NDN-TLV version 0.2