
ndnsec-set-default is a tool to change the default security settings.


$ ndnsec-set-default [-h] [-k|c] name


By default, ndnsec-set-default takes name as an identity name and sets the identity as the system default identity.


Set default key. name should be a key name, ndnsec-set-default can infer the corresponding identity and set the key as the identity’s default key.
Set default certificate. name should be a certificate name, ndnsec-set-default can infer the corresponding key name and set the certificate as the key’s default certificate.


Set a key’s default certificate:

$ ndnsec-set-default -c /ndn/test/KEY/alice/ksk-1394129695025/ID-CERT/%FD%01D%98%9A%F2%3F

Set an identity’s default key:

$ ndnsec-set-default -k /ndn/test/alice/ksk-1394129695025

Set system default identity:

$ ndnsec-set-default /ndn/test/alice