Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NboostCopyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_1)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_2)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_3)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_4)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_5)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_6)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_7)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_8)>::type >
 Cis_placeholder< typename std::remove_const< decltype(_9)>::type >
 NndnCopyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California
 NtlvNamespace defining NDN-TLV related constants and procedures
 CAesKeyParamsInfoAesKeyParamsInfo is used to initialize a SimpleSymmetricKeyParams template for AES key
 CBlockClass representing a wire element of NDN-TLV packet format
 CBufferClass representing a general-use automatically managed/resized buffer
 CConfigFileSystem configuration file for NDN platform
 CContainerWithOnEmptySignalA container that emits onEmpty signal when it becomes empty
 CDataData packet
 CDigestSha256Represent a SHA256 digest
 CEcdsaKeyParamsInfoEcdsaKeyParamInfo is used to initialize a SimplePublicKeyParams template for ECDSA key
 CExcludeRepresents Exclude selector in NDN Interest
 CFaceProvide a communication channel with local or remote NDN forwarder
 CHashableConcept check for CryptoPP hash algorithm
 CInterestInterest packet
 CInterestFilterDeclares the set of Interests a producer can serve, which starts with a name prefix, plus an optional regular expression
 CInterestFilterRecordAssociates an InterestFilter with Interest callback
 CKeyParamsBase class of key parameters
 CLinkLink instance
 CMatchInterestFilterIdFunctor to match InterestFilterId
 CMatchPendingInterestIdFunctor to match PendingInterestId
 CMatchRegisteredPrefixIdFunctor to match RegisteredPrefixId
 CMetaInfoAn MetaInfo holds the meta info which is signed inside the data packet
 CNameName abstraction to represent an absolute name
 COBufferStreamImplements an output stream that constructs ndn::Buffer
 CPendingInterestStores a pending Interest and associated callbacks
 CRegisteredPrefixStores information about a prefix registered in NDN forwarder
 CRsaKeyParamsInfoRsaKeyParamInfo is used to initialize a SimplePublicKeyParams template for RSA key
 CSelectorsAbstraction implementing Interest selectors
 CSignatureA Signature is storage for the signature-related information (info and value) in a Data packet
 CSignatureSha256WithEcdsaSha256WithEcdsa signature
 CSignatureSha256WithRsaRepresent a SHA256-with-RSA signature
 CSimplePublicKeyParamsSimplePublicKeyParams is a template for public keys with only one parameter: size
 CSimpleSymmetricKeyParamsSimpleSymmetricKeyParams is a template for symmetric keys with only one parameter: size
 CSimpleTagTag type for simple types
 CStreamTransportImplImplementation detail of a Boost.Asio-based stream-oriented transport
 CStreamTransportWithResolverImplImplementation detail of a Boost.Asio-based stream-oriented transport with resolver support
 CTagBase class for packet tags that can hold any arbitrary information
 CTagHostBase class to store tag information (e.g., inside Interest and Data packets)
 CTcpTransportTransport using TCP socket
 CTransportTLV-block delivery service
 CUnixTransportTransport using Unix stream socket
 CWireDecodableConcept check for TLV abstraction with .wireDecode method and constructible from Block
 CWireEncodableConcept check for TLV abstraction with .wireEncode method
 CWireEncodableWithEncodingBufferConcept check for TLV abstraction with .wireEncode method
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< ndn::Name >
 Chash< ndn::util::ethernet::Address >
 CCachePolicyTagPacket tag for CachePolicy field
 CIncomingFaceIdTagPacket tag for IncomingFaceId field
 CNextHopFaceIdTagPacket tag for NextHopFaceId field