
tlvdump is a simple application allowing to decode structure of TLV-encoded packet.


tlvdump [filename]


If filename is specified, tlvdump will attempt to read and decode content of the file, otherwise data will be read from standard input.


$ tlvdump interest.tlv
5 (Interest) (size: 89)
  7 (Name) (size: 20)
    8 (NameComponent) (size: 5) [[local]]
    8 (NameComponent) (size: 3) [[ndn]]
    8 (NameComponent) (size: 6) [[prefix]]
  9 (Selectors) (size: 55)
    13 (MinSuffixComponents) (size: 1) [[%01]]
    14 (MaxSuffixComponents) (size: 1) [[%01]]
    28 (KeyLocatorDigest) (size: 22)
      7 (Name) (size: 20)
        8 (NameComponent) (size: 4) [[test]]
        8 (NameComponent) (size: 3) [[key]]
        8 (NameComponent) (size: 7) [[locator]]
    16 (Exclude) (size: 20)
      8 (NameComponent) (size: 4) [[alex]]
      8 (NameComponent) (size: 4) [[xxxx]]
      19 (Any) (size: 0) [[...]]
      8 (NameComponent) (size: 4) [[yyyy]]
    17 (ChildSelector) (size: 1) [[%01]]
  10 (Nonce) (size: 1) [[%01]]
  11 (Scope) (size: 1) [[%01]]
  12 (InterestLifetime) (size: 2) [[%03%E8]]