CertificateV2 Class

CertificateV2 extends Data to represent a certificate following the certificate format naming convention.

Overview of the NDN certificate format:

CertificateV2 ::= DATA-TLV TLV-LENGTH
                    Name      (= /{NameSpace}/KEY/[KeyId]/[IssuerId]/[Version])
                    MetaInfo  (.ContentType = KEY)
                    Content   (= X509PublicKeyContent)
                    SignatureInfo (= CertificateV2SignatureInfo)

X509PublicKeyContent ::= CONTENT-TLV TLV-LENGTH
                           BYTE+ (= public key bits in PKCS#8 format)

CertificateV2SignatureInfo ::= SIGNATURE-INFO-TYPE TLV-LENGTH
                                 ... optional critical or non-critical extension blocks ...

An example of an NDN certificate name:

 \_________________/    \___________/ \___________/\___________/
Certificate Namespace      Key Id       Issuer Id     Version
               Key Name


  • Key Id is an opaque name component to identify the instance of the public key for the certificate namespace. The value of Key ID is controlled by the namespace owner. The library includes helpers for generating key IDs using an 8-byte random number, SHA-256 digest of the public key, timestamp, and the specified numerical identifiers.
  • Issuer Id is sn opaque name component to identify the issuer of the certificate. The value is controlled by the issuer. The library includes helpers to set issuer the ID to an 8-byte random number, SHA-256 digest of the issuer’s public key, and the specified numerical identifiers.
  • Key Name is a logical name of the key used for management purposes. the Key Name includes the certificate namespace, keyword KEY, and KeyId components.

See https://github.com/named-data/ndn-cxx/blob/master/docs/specs/certificate-format.rst

#include <ndn-cpp/security/v2/certificate-v2.hpp>
Namespace: ndn
[Python]:Module: pyndn.security.v2
[Java]:Package: net.named_data.jndn.security.v2

CertificateV2.getIdentity Method

Get the identity name from the certificate name.

Name getIdentity() const;
# Returns Name
def getIdentity(self)
// Returns Name
CertificateV2.prototype.getIdentity = function()
public final Name getIdentity()

The identity name as a new Name.

CertificateV2.getIssuerId Method

Get the issuer ID component from the certificate name.

Name::Component getIssuerId() const;
# Returns Name.Component
def getIssuerId(self)
// Returns Name.Component
CertificateV2.prototype.getIssuerId = function()
public final Name.Component getIssuerId()

The issuer ID component.

CertificateV2.getKeyId Method

Get the key ID component from the certificate name.

Name::Component getKeyId() const;
# Returns Name.Component
def getKeyId(self)
// Returns Name.Component
CertificateV2.prototype.getKeyId = function()
public final Name.Component getKeyId()

The key ID name component.

CertificateV2.getKeyName Method

Get the key name from the certificate name.

Name getKeyName() const;
# Returns Name
def getKeyName(self)
// Returns Name
CertificateV2.prototype.getKeyName = function()
public final Name getKeyName()

The key name as a new Name.

CertificateV2.getName Method

Get the name of this certificate. See the inherited getName() method.

CertificateV2.getPublicKey Method

Get the public key DER encoding.

const Blob& getPublicKey() const;
# Returns Blob
def getPublicKey(self)
// Returns Blob
CertificateV2.prototype.getPublicKey = function()
public final Blob getPublicKey()

The public key DER encoding Blob.

CertificateV2.getValidityPeriod Method

Get the certificate ValidityPeriod from the SignatureInfo.

ValidityPeriod& getValidityPeriod();

const ValidityPeriod& getValidityPeriod() const;
# Returns ValidityPeriod
def getValidityPeriod(self)
// Returns ValidityPeriod
CertificateV2.prototype.getValidityPeriod = function()
public final ValidityPeriod getValidityPeriod()

The ValidityPeriod object.

CertificateV2.isValid Method

Check if the time falls within the validity period.

bool isValid(
    [MillisecondsSince1970 time]
) const;
# Returns bool
def isValid(self
    [, time  # float]
// Returns boolean
CertificateV2.prototype.isValid = function(
    [time  // number]
public final boolean isValid(
    [double time]
  • time
    (optional) The time to check as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. If omitted, use the current time.

True if the beginning of the validity period is less than or equal to time and time is less than or equal to the end of the validity period.