
ndnsec-list is a tool to display entities stored in Public Information Base (PIB), such as identities, keys, and certificates.


$ ndnsec-list [-h] [-KkCc]


ndnsec-list lists names of all the entities according to the granularity specified in options (The default granularity is identity). The default entities will be marked with * in front of their names. For example:

$ ndnsec list
* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi


-K, -k
Display key names for each identity. The key name with * in front is the default key name of the corresponding identity.
-C, -c
Display certificate names for each key. The certificate name with * in front is the default certificate name of the corresponding key.


Display all the key names in PIB.

$ ndnsec-list -k
* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi
  +->* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi/ksk-1397247318867
  +->  /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi/ksk-1393811874052

  +->* /ndn/test/cathy/ksk-1394129695418

  +->* /ndn/test/bob/ksk-1394129695308

  +->* /ndn/test/alice/ksk-1394129695025

Display all the certificate names in PIB.

$ ndnsec-list -c
* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi
  +->* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi/ksk-1397247318867
       +->* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi/KEY/ksk-1397247318867/ID-CERT/%00%00%01ERn%1B%BE
  +->  /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi/ksk-1393811874052
       +->* /ndn/edu/ucla/cs/yingdi/KEY/ksk-1393811874052/ID-CERT/%FD%01D%85%A9a%DD

  +->* /ndn/test/cathy/ksk-1394129695418
       +->* /ndn/test/KEY/cathy/ksk-1394129695418/ID-CERT/%FD%01D%98%9A%F3J

  +->* /ndn/test/bob/ksk-1394129695308
       +->* /ndn/test/KEY/bob/ksk-1394129695308/ID-CERT/%FD%01D%98%9A%F2%AE

  +->* /ndn/test/alice/ksk-1394129695025
       +->* /ndn/test/KEY/alice/ksk-1394129695025/ID-CERT/%FD%01D%98%9A%F2%3F