NFD version 0.3.3

Release date: July 1, 2015

Changes since version 0.3.2:

New features:

  • Content Store replacement policy interface (Issue #1207)
  • Add unit file and instructions for systemd (Issue #1586)
  • NDN Essential Tools version 0.1 featuring:
    • ndnpeek, ndnpoke: a pair of programs to request and make available for retrieval of a single Data packet
    • ndnping, ndnpingserver: reachability testing tools for Named Data Networking
    • ndndump: a traffic analysis tool that captures Interest and Data packets on the wire
    • ndn-dissect: an NDN packet format inspector. It reads zero or more NDN packets from either an input file or the standard input, and displays the Type-Length-Value (TLV) structure of those packets on the standard output.

Updates and bug fixes:

  • Avoid loopback new Interest in AccessStrategy (Issue #2831)
  • Simplified implementation of nfd-status using SegmentFetcher utility class (Issue #2456)
