analog-reading example application for Arduino

These are instructions to build analog-reading, an example application for Arduino.

(These instructions may work for systems other than Ubuntu 14.04, but haven't been tested.)

Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)

If the Java JDK is not installed, enter:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Enter the following install so that ./configure will run:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev

In the following, <NDN-CPP root> is the root of the NDN-CPP distribution. Enter:

cd <NDN-CPP root>

Arduino does not have memory.h, so edit <NDN-CPP root>/include/ndn-cpp/ndn-cpp-config.h and change:




Download and uncompress the Arduino IDE from . In the following <ARDUINO> is the Arduino directory. The following is a simple way to get the NDN-CPP public include directory in the Arduino build path. Change to the directory <ARDUINO>/hardware/tools/avr/avr/include and enter:

ln -s <NDN-CPP root>/include/ndn-cpp

Enter the following to start the Arduino IDE:

<ARDUINO>/arduino &

Click the menu File >> Open and from the NDN-CPP root select examples/arduino/analog-reading/analog-reading.ino . In the tab ndn_cpp_root.h, change "/please/fix/NDN_CPP_ROOT/in/ndn_cpp_root.h" to the path up to the NDN-CPP root. For example, "/home/myuser" . To compile, click the menu Sketch >> Verify/Compile.