pyndn.impl package


pyndn.impl.delayed_call_table module

This module defines DelayedCallTable which is an internal class used by the Node implementation of callLater to store callbacks and call them when they time out.

class pyndn.impl.delayed_call_table.DelayedCallTable[source]

Bases: object

callLater(delayMilliseconds, callback)[source]

Call callback() after the given delay. This adds to the delayed call table which is used by callTimedOut().

  • delayMilliseconds (float) – The delay in milliseconds.
  • callback (function object) – This calls callback() after the delay.

Call and remove timed-out callback entries. Since callLater does a sorted insert into the delayed call table, the check for timed-out entries is quick and does not require searching the entire table.

pyndn.impl.interest_filter_table module

This module defines InterestFilterTable which is an internal class to hold a list of entries with an interest Filter and its OnInterestCallback.

class pyndn.impl.interest_filter_table.InterestFilterTable[source]

Bases: object

class Entry(interestFilterId, filter, onInterest, face)[source]

Bases: object

An Entry holds an interestFilterId, an InterestFilter and the OnInterestCallback with its related Face. Create a new InterestFilterEntry with the given values.

  • interestFilterId (int) – The ID from Node.getNextEntryId().
  • filter (InterestFilter) – The InterestFilter for this entry.
  • onInterest (function object) – The callback to call.
  • face (Face) – The face on which was called registerPrefix or setInterestFilter which is passed to the onInterest callback.

Get the Face given to the constructor.

Returns:The Face.
Return type:Face

Get the InterestFilter given to the constructor.

Returns:The InterestFilter.
Return type:InterestFilter

Get the interestFilterId given to the constructor.

Returns:The interestFilterId.
Return type:int

Get the OnInterestCallback given to the constructor.

Returns:The OnInterestCallback.
Return type:function object
InterestFilterTable.getMatchedFilters(interest, matchedFilters)[source]

Find all entries from the interest filter table where the interest conforms to the entry’s filter, and add to the matchedFilters list.

  • interest (Interest) – The interest which may match the filter in multiple entries.
  • matchedFilters (List<InterestFilterTable.Entry>) – Add each matching InterestFilterTable.Entry from the interest filter table. The caller should pass in an empty list.
InterestFilterTable.setInterestFilter(interestFilterId, filterCopy, onInterest, face)[source]

Add an entry to the table.

  • interestFilterId (int) – The ID from Node.getNextEntryId().
  • filterCopy (InterestFilter) – The InterestFilter for this entry.
  • onInterest (function object) – The callback to call.
  • face (Face) – The face which is passed to the onInterest callback.

Remove the interest filter entry which has the interestFilterId from the interest filter table. This does not affect another interest filter with a different interestFilterId, even if it has the same prefix name. If there is no entry with the interestFilterId, do nothing.

Parameters:interestFilterId (int) – The ID returned from setInterestFilter.

pyndn.impl.pending_interest_table module

This module defines PendingInterestTable which is an internal class to hold a list of pending interests with their callbacks.

class pyndn.impl.pending_interest_table.PendingInterestTable[source]

Bases: object

class Entry(pendingInterestId, interest, onData, onTimeout, onNetworkNack)[source]

Bases: object

Create a new Entry with the given fields. Note: You should not call this directly but call PendingInterestTable.add.

  • pendingInterestId (int) – A unique ID for this entry, which you should get with Node.getNextEntryId().
  • interest (Interest) – The interest.
  • onData (function object) – A function object to call when a matching data packet is received.
  • onTimeout (function object) – A function object to call if the interest times out. If onTimeout is None, this does not use it.
  • onNetworkNack (function object) – A function object to call when a network Nack packet is received.

Call _onTimeout (if defined). This ignores exceptions from _onTimeout.


Get the interest given to the constructor.

Returns:The interest.
Return type:int

Check if setIsRemoved() was called.

Returns:True if setIsRemoved() was called.
Return type:bool

Get the onData function object given to the constructor.

Returns:The onData function object.
Return type:function object

Get the onNetworkNack function object given to the constructor.

Returns:The onNetworkNack function object.
Return type:function object

Get the pendingInterestId given to the constructor.

Returns:The pending interest ID.
Return type:int

Set the isRemoved flag which is returned by getIsRemoved().

PendingInterestTable.add(pendingInterestId, interestCopy, onData, onTimeout, onNetworkNack)[source]

Add a new entry to the pending interest table. However, if removePendingInterest was already called with the pendingInterestId, don’t add an entry and return None.

  • pendingInterestId (int) – A unique ID for this entry, which you should get with Node.getNextEntryId().
  • interest (Interest) – The interest which was sent, which has already been copied by expressInterest.
  • onData (function object) – A function object to call when a matching data packet is received.
  • onTimeout (function object) – A function object to call if the interest times out. If onTimeout is None, this does not use it.
  • onNetworkNack (function object) – A function object to call when a network Nack packet is received.

The new PendingInterestTable.Entry, or None if removePendingInterest was already called with the pendingInterestId.

Return type:


PendingInterestTable.extractEntriesForExpressedInterest(name, entries)[source]

Find all entries from the pending interest table where the name conforms to the entry’s interest selectors, remove the entries from the table, set each entry’s isRemoved flag, and add to the entries list.

  • name (Name) – The name to find the interest for (from the incoming data packet).
  • entries (List<PendingInterestTable.Entry>) – Add matching PendingInterestTable.Entry from the pending interest table. The caller should pass in an empty list.
PendingInterestTable.extractEntriesForNackInterest(interest, entries)[source]

Find all entries from the pending interest table where the OnNetworkNack callback is not null and the entry’s interest is the same as the given interest, remove the entries from the table, set each entry’s isRemoved flag, and add to the entries list. (We don’t remove the entry if the OnNetworkNack callback is None so that OnTimeout will be called later.) The interests are the same if their default wire encoding is the same (which has everything including the name, nonce, link object and selectors).

  • interest (Interest) – The Interest to search for (typically from a Nack packet).
  • entries (List<PendingInterestTable.Entry>) – Add matching PendingInterestTable.Entry from the pending interest table. The caller should pass in an empty list.

Remove the specific pendingInterest entry from the table and set its isRemoved flag. However, if the pendingInterest isRemoved flag is already True or the entry is not in the pending interest table then do nothing.

Parameters:pendingInterest (PendingInterestTable.Entry) – The Entry from the pending interest table.
Returns:True if the entry was removed, False if not.
Return type:bool

Remove the pending interest entry with the pendingInterestId from the pending interest table and set its isRemoved flag. This does not affect another pending interest with a different pendingInterestId, even if it has the same interest name. If there is no entry with the pendingInterestId, do nothing.

Parameters:pendingInterestId (int) – The ID returned from expressInterest.

pyndn.impl.registered_prefix_table module

This module defines RegisteredPrefixTable which is an internal class to hold a list of registered prefixes with information necessary to remove the registration later.

class pyndn.impl.registered_prefix_table.RegisteredPrefixTable(interestFilterTable)[source]

Bases: object

Create a new RegisteredPrefixTable with an empty table.

Parameters:interestFilterTable (InterestFilterTable) – See removeRegisteredPrefix(), which may call interestFilterTable.unsetInterestFilter().
add(registeredPrefixId, prefix, relatedInterestFilterId)[source]

Add a new entry to the table.

  • registeredPrefixId (int) – The ID from Node.getNextEntryId().
  • prefix (Name) – The name prefix.
  • relatedInterestFilterId (int) – (optional) The related interestFilterId for the filter set in the same registerPrefix operation. If omitted, set to 0.

True if added an entry, false if removeRegisteredPrefix was already called with the registeredPrefixId.

Return type:



Remove the registered prefix entry with the registeredPrefixId from the registered prefix table. This does not affect another registered prefix with a different registeredPrefixId, even if it has the same prefix name. If an interest filter was automatically created by registerPrefix, also remove it. If there is no entry with the registeredPrefixId, do nothing.

Parameters:registeredPrefixId (int) – The ID returned from registerPrefix.

Module contents