Source code for pyndn.util.blob

# -*- Mode:python; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Regents of the University of California.
# Author: Jeff Thompson <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.

This module defines the Blob class which holds an immutable byte array.
We use an immutable buffer so that it is OK to pass the object into methods
because the new or old owner can't change the bytes.
Note that the pointer to the buffer can be None.

import sys
from io import BytesIO
from pyndn.util.common import Common

[docs]class Blob(object): """ Create a new Blob which holds an immutable array of bytes. :param array: (optional) The array of bytes, or None. If array is str (in Python 2) or unicode (in Python 2), then encode using UTF-8. (However, if array is str in Python 2, treat it as a raw string and convert to an array of int.) If you just want a Blob from a raw str without encoding, use Blob.fromRawStr. :type array: Blob, bytearray, memoryview or other array of int :param bool copy: (optional) If true, copy the contents of array into a new bytearray. If false, just use the existing array without copying. If omitted, then copy the contents (unless value is already a Blob). IMPORTANT: If copy is false, if you keep a pointer to the array then you must treat the array as immutable and promise not to change it. """ def __init__(self, array = None, copy = True): self._hash = None if array == None: self._array = None elif isinstance(array, Blob): # Use the existing _array. Don't need to check for copy. self._array = array._array else: array = Common.stringToUtf8Array(array) if copy: # We are copying, so just make another bytearray. # We always use a memoryview so that slicing is efficient. if type(array) is _memoryviewWrapper: # Use the underlying memoryview directly. (When we only # support Python 3.3 or later, this check is not necessary.) self._array = memoryview(bytearray(array._view)) else: self._array = memoryview(bytearray(array)) else: if type(array) is bytearray: # We always use a memoryview so that slicing is efficient. self._array = memoryview(array) else: # Can't take a memoryview, so use as-is. self._array = array if not _memoryviewUsesInt and type(self._array) is memoryview: # memoryview elements are not int (Python versions before 3.3) # so we need a wrapper which will return int elements. self._array = _memoryviewWrapper(self._array)
[docs] def size(self): """ Return the length of the immutable byte array. :return: The length of the array. :rtype: int """ if self._array == None: return 0 else: return len(self._array)
def __len__(self): return self.size()
[docs] def buf(self): """ Return the byte array which you must treat as immutable and not modify the contents. Note: For compatibility with Python versions before 3.3, if you need an object which implements the buffer protocol (e.g. for writing to a socket) then call toBuffer() instead. :return: An array which you should not modify, or None if isNull(). :rtype: An array type with int elements, such as bytearray. """ if self._array == None: return None else: return self._array
[docs] def toBuffer(self): """ Return an array which implements the buffer protocol (but for Python versions before 3.3 it doesn't have int elements). This method is only needed by Python versions before 3.3 to check if buf() would return a _memoryviewWrapper and to return its internal memoryview instead. However, if this is a Python version (3.3 or greater) whose memoryview already uses int, then toBuffer() is the same as buf(). :return: The array which implements the buffer protocol, or None if isNull(). :rtype: an array which implements the buffer protocol """ if _memoryviewUsesInt: # We can use the normal buf(). return self.buf() else: if self._array == None: return None elif type(self._array) is _memoryviewWrapper: # Return the underlying memoryview (which doesn't have int # elements) but implements the buffer protocol. return self._array._view else: return self._array
[docs] def toRawStr(self): """ Return the bytes of the byte array as a raw str of the same length. This does not do any character encoding such as UTF-8. :return: The array as a str, or None if isNull(). :rtype: str """ if self._array == None: return None else: return "".join(map(chr, self.buf()))
[docs] def toBytes(self): """ Return an object which is the same as the bytes() operator. In Python 2, this simply calls self.toRawStr() because bytes is the same as str. In Python 3, this converts the byte array to a bytes type. This method is necessary because the bytes type is different in Python 2 and 3. This does not do any character encoding such as UTF-8. :return: The array as a bytes type, or None if isNull(). :rtype: bytes (str in Python 2) """ if self._array == None: return None else: if sys.version_info[0] > 2: return bytes(self._array) else: # For Python 2, just return the raw string. return self.toRawStr() # Python operators
def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is Blob and self.equals(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __str__(self): """ For Python 3, decode the buffer as UTF8 and return the Unicode string Otherwise, for Python 2, return the buffer as a raw string. (For both Python 2 and 3, this is the reverse of calling the Blob constructor with a str.) :return: The array as a str, or "" if isNull(). :rtype: str """ if self._array == None: return "" else: if sys.version_info[0] > 2: # Decode the UTF8 byte array. return str(self.toBuffer(), 'utf8') else: # For Python 2, make a raw string. return "".join(map(chr, self.buf())) def __hash__(self): """ If the hash code is already computed then return it, otherwise compute and return the hash code. :return: The hash code for the buffer, or 0 if the buffer is null. :rtype: int """ if self._hash == None: if self._array == None: self._hash = 0 else: self._hash = hash(self.toBytes()) return self._hash @staticmethod
[docs] def fromRawStr(rawStr): """ Convert rawStr to a Blob. This does not do any character decoding such as UTF-8. If you want decode the string such as UTF-8, then just pass the string to the Blob constructor. :param str rawStr: The raw string to convert to a Blob. :return: A new Blob created from rawStr. :rtype: Blob """ return Blob(bytearray(map(ord, rawStr)), False)
[docs] def isNull(self): """ Return True if the array is None, otherwise False. :return: True if the array is None. :rtype: bool """ return self._array == None
[docs] def equals(self, other): """ Check if this is byte-wise equal to the other Blob. If this and other are both isNull(), then this returns True. We compare explicitly because a Blob uses a memoryview which doesn't have built-in comparison operators. :param Blob other: The other Blob to compare with. :return: True if the blobs are equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ if self._array == None and other._array == None: return True if self._array == None or other._array == None: # One of the blobs is null and the other isn't. return False if len(self._array) != len(other._array): return False # Manually compare int elements. for i in range(len(self._array)): if self._array[i] != other._array[i]: return False return True
[docs] def compare(self, other): """ Compare this to the other Blob using byte-by-byte comparison. If this and other are both isNull(), then this returns 0. If this isNull() and the other is not, return -1. If this is not isNull() and the other is, return 1. We compare explicitly because a Blob uses a memoryview which doesn't have built-in comparison operators. :param Blob other: The other Blob to compare with. :return: 0 If they compare equal, -1 if self is less than other, or 1 if self is greater than other. If both are equal up to the shortest, then return -1 if self is shorter than other, or 1 of self is longer than other. :rtype: int """ if self._array == None and other._array == None: return 0 if self._array == None and other._array != None: return -1 if self._array != None and other._array == None: return 1 # Manually compare int elements. for i in range(min(len(self._array), len(other._array))): if self._array[i] < other._array[i]: return -1 if self._array[i] > other._array[i]: return 1 # They are equal up to the shorter. if len(self._array) < len(other._array): return -1 if len(self._array) > len(other._array): return 1 return 0
[docs] def toHex(self): """ Return the hex representation of the bytes in array. :return: The hex string. :rtype: str """ if self._array == None: return "" array = self.buf() result = BytesIO() hexBuffer = bytearray(2) for i in range(len(array)): # Get the hex string and transfer to hexBuffer for writing. hex = "%02x" % array[i] hexBuffer[0] = ord(hex[0]) hexBuffer[1] = ord(hex[1]) result.write(hexBuffer) return Common.getBytesIOString(result) # Set this up once at the module level for the constructor to use. # Expect that this is True for Python version 3.3 or later.
_memoryviewUsesInt = type(memoryview(bytearray(1))[0]) is int class _memoryviewWrapper(object): """ _memoryviewWrapper is an internal class used by Blob which wraps a memoryview to override __getitem__ so that it returns int instead of str (Python 2.7) or bytes (Python 3.2). (When we only support Python 3.3 or later, this class is not necessary.) :param memoryview view: The memoryview to wrap. """ def __init__(self, view): self._view = view def __len__(self): """ Get the length of the wrapped memoryview. :return: The length of the array. :rtype: int """ return len(self._view) def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) is slice: # Return a new _memoryviewWrapper for the slice. return _memoryviewWrapper(self._view.__getitem__(index)) else: # Convert str or bytes to int. return ord(self._view[index])