Source code for pyndn.encrypt.group_manager

# -*- Mode:python; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Regents of the University of California.
# Author: Jeff Thompson <>
# Author: From ndn-group-encrypt src/group-manager
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.

This module defines the GroupManager class which manages keys and schedules for
group members in a particular namespace.
Note: This class is an experimental feature. The API may change.

from import Name
from import Data
from import IdentityCertificate
from import RsaKeyParams
from pyndn.encrypt.algo.encryptor import Encryptor
from pyndn.encrypt.algo.rsa_algorithm import RsaAlgorithm
from pyndn.encrypt.algo.encrypt_params import EncryptParams, EncryptAlgorithmType
from pyndn.encrypt.interval import Interval
from pyndn.encrypt.schedule import Schedule

[docs]class GroupManager(object): """ Create a GroupManager with the given values. The group manager namespace is <prefix>/read/<dataType> . :param Name prefix: The prefix for the group manager namespace. :param Name dataType: The data type for the group manager namespace. :param GroupManagerDb database: The GroupManagerDb for storing the group management information (including user public keys and schedules). :param int keySize: The group key will be an RSA key with keySize bits. :param int freshnessHours: The number of hours of the freshness period of data packets carrying the keys. :param KeyChain keyChain: The KeyChain to use for signing data packets. This signs with the default identity. """ def __init__(self, prefix, dataType, database, keySize, freshnessHours, keyChain): self._namespace = Name(prefix).append( Encryptor.NAME_COMPONENT_READ).append(dataType) self._database = database self._keySize = keySize self._freshnessHours = freshnessHours self._keyChain = keyChain
[docs] def getGroupKey(self, timeSlot): """ Create a group key for the interval into which timeSlot falls. This creates a group key if it doesn't exist, and encrypts the key using the public key of each eligible member. :param float timeSlot: The time slot to cover as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. :return: A List of Data packets where the first is the E-KEY data packet with the group's public key and the rest are the D-KEY data packets with the group's private key encrypted with the public key of each eligible member. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: For a database error. :raises SecurityException: For an error using the security KeyChain. """ unsortedMemberKeys = {} result = [] # Get the time interval. finalInterval = self._calculateInterval(timeSlot, unsortedMemberKeys) if finalInterval.isValid() == False: return result startTimeStamp = Schedule.toIsoString(finalInterval.getStartTime()) endTimeStamp = Schedule.toIsoString(finalInterval.getEndTime()) # Generate the private and public keys. (privateKeyBlob, publicKeyBlob) = self._generateKeyPair() # Add the first element to the result. # The E-KEY (public key) data packet name convention is: # /<data_type>/E-KEY/[start-ts]/[end-ts] data = self._createEKeyData(startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, publicKeyBlob) result.append(data) # Encrypt the private key with the public key from each member's certificate. # Sort the key names. for keyName in sorted(unsortedMemberKeys.keys()): certificateKey = unsortedMemberKeys[keyName] # Generate the name of the packet. # The D-KEY (private key) data packet name convention is: # /<data_type>/D-KEY/[start-ts]/[end-ts]/[member-name] data = self._createDKeyData( startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, keyName, privateKeyBlob, certificateKey) result.append(data) return result
[docs] def addSchedule(self, scheduleName, schedule): """ Add a schedule with the given scheduleName. :param str scheduleName: The name of the schedule. The name cannot be empty. :param Schedule schedule: The Schedule to add. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: If a schedule with the same name already exists, if the name is empty, or other database error. """ self._database.addSchedule(scheduleName, schedule)
[docs] def deleteSchedule(self, scheduleName): """ Delete the schedule with the given scheduleName. Also delete members which use this schedule. If there is no schedule with the name, then do nothing. :param str scheduleName: The name of the schedule. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: For a database error. """ self._database.deleteSchedule(scheduleName)
[docs] def updateSchedule(self, scheduleName, schedule): """ Update the schedule with scheduleName and replace the old object with the given schedule. Otherwise, if no schedule with name exists, a new schedule with name and the given schedule will be added to database. :param str scheduleName: The name of the schedule. The name cannot be empty. :param Schedule schedule: The Schedule to update or add. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: If the name is empty, or other database error. """ self._database.updateSchedule(scheduleName, schedule)
[docs] def addMember(self, scheduleName, memberCertificate): """ Add a new member with the given memberCertificate into a schedule named scheduleName. If cert is an IdentityCertificate made from memberCertificate, then the member's identity name is cert.getPublicKeyName().getPrefix(-1). :param str scheduleName: The schedule name. :param Data memberCertificate: The member's certificate. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: If there's no schedule named scheduleName, if the member's identity name already exists, or other database error. :raises DerDecodingException: for error decoding memberCertificate as a certificate. """ cert = IdentityCertificate(memberCertificate) self._database.addMember( scheduleName, cert.getPublicKeyName(), cert.getPublicKeyInfo().getKeyDer())
[docs] def removeMember(self, identity): """ Remove a member with the given identity name. If there is no member with the identity name, then do nothing. :param Name identity: The member's identity name. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: For a database error. """ self._database.deleteMember(identity)
[docs] def updateMemberSchedule(self, identity, scheduleName): """ Change the name of the schedule for the given member's identity name. :param Name identity: The member's identity name. :param str scheduleName: The new schedule name. :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: If there's no member with the given identity name in the database, or there's no schedule named scheduleName. """ self._database.updateMemberSchedule(identity, scheduleName)
def _calculateInterval(self, timeSlot, unsortedMemberKeys): """ Calculate an Interval that covers the timeSlot. :param float timeSlot: The time slot to cover as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. :param dictionary<Name, Blob> unsortedMemberKeys: First clear unsortedMemberKeys then fill it with the info of members who are allowed to access the interval. The dictionary's key is the Name of the public key and the value is the Blob of the public key DER. The dictionary keys are not sorted. (You can use sorted(unsortedMemberKeys.keys()).) :return: The Interval covering the time slot. :rtype: Interval :raises GroupManagerDb.Error: For a database error. :raises SecurityException: For an error using the security KeyChain. """ # Prepare. positiveResult = Interval() negativeResult = Interval() unsortedMemberKeys.clear() # Get the all intervals from the schedules. scheduleNames = self._database.listAllScheduleNames() for i in range(len(scheduleNames)): scheduleName = scheduleNames[i] schedule = self._database.getSchedule(scheduleName) result = schedule.getCoveringInterval(timeSlot) tempInterval = result.interval if result.isPositive: if not positiveResult.isValid(): positiveResult = tempInterval positiveResult.intersectWith(tempInterval) map = self._database.getScheduleMembers(scheduleName) # Add all to unsortedMemberKeys. for name in map: unsortedMemberKeys[name] = map[name] else: if not negativeResult.isValid(): negativeResult = tempInterval negativeResult.intersectWith(tempInterval) if not positiveResult.isValid(): # Return an invalid interval when there is no member which has an # interval covering the time slot. return Interval(False) # Get the final interval result. if negativeResult.isValid(): finalInterval = positiveResult.intersectWith(negativeResult) else: finalInterval = positiveResult return finalInterval def _generateKeyPair(self): """ Generate an RSA key pair according to _keySize. :return: A tuple (privateKeyBlob, publicKeyBlob) where "privateKeyBlob" is the encoding Blob of the private key and "publicKeyBlob" is the encoding Blob of the public key. :rtype: (Blob, Blob) """ params = RsaKeyParams(self._keySize) privateKey = RsaAlgorithm.generateKey(params) privateKeyBlob = privateKey.getKeyBits() publicKey = RsaAlgorithm.deriveEncryptKey(privateKeyBlob) publicKeyBlob = publicKey.getKeyBits() return (privateKeyBlob, publicKeyBlob) def _createEKeyData(self, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, publicKeyBlob): """ Create an E-KEY Data packet for the given public key. :param str startTimeStamp: The start time stamp string to put in the name. :param str endTimeStamp: The end time stamp string to put in the name. :param Blob publicKeyBlob: A Blob of the public key DER. :return: The Data packet. :rtype: Data """ name = Name(self._namespace) name.append(Encryptor.NAME_COMPONENT_E_KEY).append( startTimeStamp).append(endTimeStamp) data = Data(name) data.getMetaInfo().setFreshnessPeriod( self._freshnessHours * GroupManager.MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR) data.setContent(publicKeyBlob) self._keyChain.sign(data) return data def _createDKeyData(self, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, keyName, privateKeyBlob, certificateKey): """ Create a D-KEY Data packet with an EncryptedContent for the given private key, encrypted with the certificate key. :param str startTimeStamp: The start time stamp string to put in the name. :param str endTimeStamp: The end time stamp string to put in the name. :param Name keyName The key name to put in the data packet name and the EncryptedContent key locator. :param Blob privateKeyBlob: A Blob of the encoded private key. :param Blob certificateKey: The certificate key encoding, used to encrypt the private key. :return: The Data packet. :rtype: Data """ name = Name(self._namespace) name.append(Encryptor.NAME_COMPONENT_D_KEY) name.append(startTimeStamp).append(endTimeStamp) data = Data(name) data.getMetaInfo().setFreshnessPeriod( self._freshnessHours * GroupManager.MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR) encryptParams = EncryptParams(EncryptAlgorithmType.RsaOaep) Encryptor.encryptData( data, privateKeyBlob, keyName, certificateKey, encryptParams) self._keyChain.sign(data) return data MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600 * 1000