Source code for

# -*- Mode:python; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Regents of the University of California.
# Author: Adeola Bannis <>
# From ndn-cxx security by Yingdi Yu <>.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.

import os
import re
from base64 import b64decode

from pyndn import Name, Data, Interest, KeyLocator
from import PolicyManager
from import CertificateCache
from import ValidationRequest
from import IdentityCertificate
from pyndn.util.blob import Blob
from pyndn.util.common import Common
from pyndn.encoding.wire_format import WireFormat
from pyndn.key_locator import KeyLocatorType
from import SecurityException

from pyndn.util.boost_info_parser import BoostInfoParser
from pyndn.util.ndn_regex import NdnRegexMatcher

This module manages trust according to a configuration file in the
Validator Configuration File Format

Once a rule is matched, the ConfigPolicyManager looks in the
CertificateCache for the IdentityCertificate matching the name in the KeyLocator
and uses its public key to verify the data packet or signed interest. If the
certificate can't be found, it is downloaded, verified and installed. A chain
of certificates will be followed to a maximum depth.
If the new certificate is accepted, it is used to complete the verification.

The KeyLocators of data packets and signed interests MUST contain a name for
verification to succeed.

[docs]class ConfigPolicyManager(PolicyManager): """ Create a new ConfigPolicyManager which will act on the rules specified in the configuration and download unknown certificates when necessary. :param str configFileName: (optional) If not null or empty, the path to the configuration file containing verification rules. Otherwise, you should separately call load(). :param CertificateCache certificateCache: (optional) A CertificateCache to hold known certificates. :param int searchDepth: (optional) The maximum number of links to follow when verifying a certificate chain. :param int graceInterval: (optional) The window of time difference (in milliseconds) allowed between the timestamp of the first interest signed with a new public key and the validation time. If omitted, use a default value. :param int keyTimestampTtl: (optional) How long a public key's last-used timestamp is kept in the store (milliseconds). If omitted, use a default value. :param int maxTrackedKeys: (optional) The maximum number of public key use timestamps to track. """ def __init__(self, configFileName = None, certificateCache = None, searchDepth=5, graceInterval=3000, keyTimestampTtl=3600000, maxTrackedKeys=1000): super(ConfigPolicyManager, self).__init__() if certificateCache is None: self._certificateCache = CertificateCache() else: self._certificateCache = certificateCache self._maxDepth = searchDepth self._keyGraceInterval = graceInterval self._keyTimestampTtl = keyTimestampTtl self._maxTrackedKeys = maxTrackedKeys self.reset() if configFileName != None and configFileName != "": self.load(configFileName)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the certificate cache and other fields to the constructor state. """ self._certificateCache.reset() # stores the fixed-signer certificate name associated with validation rules # so we don't keep loading from files self._fixedCertificateCache = {} # stores the timestamps for each public key used in command interests to avoid # replay attacks # key is public key name, value is last timestamp self._keyTimestamps = {} self.requiresVerification = True self.config = BoostInfoParser() self._refreshManager = TrustAnchorRefreshManager()
[docs] def load(self, configFileNameOrInput, inputName = None): """ Call reset() and load the configuration rules from the file name or the input string. There are two forms: load(configFileName) reads configFileName from the file system. load(input, inputName) reads from the input, in which case inputName is used only for log messages, etc. :param str configFileName: The path to the file containing configuration rules. :param str input: The contents of the configuration rules, with lines separated by NL or CR/NL. :param str inputName: Use with input for log messages, etc. """ self.reset(), inputName) self._loadTrustAnchorCertificates()
[docs] def requireVerify(self, dataOrInterest): """ If the configuration file contains the trust anchor 'any', nothing is verified. """ return self.requiresVerification
[docs] def checkSigningPolicy(self, dataName, certificateName): """ Override to always indicate that the signing certificate name and data name satisfy the signing policy. :param Name dataName: The name of data to be signed. :param Name certificateName: The name of signing certificate. :return: True to indicate that the signing certificate can be used to sign the data. :rtype: boolean """ return True
[docs] def skipVerifyAndTrust(self, dataOrInterest): """ If the configuration file contains the trust anchor 'any', nothing is verified. """ return not self.requiresVerification
def _loadTrustAnchorCertificates(self): """ The configuration file allows 'trust anchor' certificates to be preloaded. The certificates may also be loaded from a directory, and if the 'refresh' option is set to an interval, the certificates are reloaded at the specified interval """ try: anchors = self.config["validator/trust-anchor"] except KeyError: return for anchor in anchors: typeName = anchor["type"][0].getValue() if typeName == 'file': certID = anchor["file-name"][0].getValue() isPath = True elif typeName == 'base64': certID = anchor["base64-string"][0].getValue() isPath = False elif typeName == "dir": dirName = anchor["dir"][0].getValue() try: refreshPeriodStr = anchor["refresh"][0].getValue() except KeyError: refreshPeriod = 0 else: refreshMatch = re.match('(\d+)([hms])', refreshPeriodStr) if not refreshMatch: refreshPeriod = 0 else: refreshPeriod = int( if != 's': refreshPeriod *= 60 if != 'm': refreshPeriod *= 60 # Convert refreshPeriod from seconds to milliseconds. self._refreshManager.addDirectory(dirName, refreshPeriod * 1000) continue elif typeName == "any": # this disables all security! self.requiresVerification = False break self._lookupCertificate(certID, isPath) def _checkSignatureMatch(self, signatureName, objectName, rule): """ Once a rule is found to match data or a signed interest, the name in the KeyLocator must satisfy the condition in the 'checker' section of the rule, else the data or interest is rejected. :param Name signatureName: The certificate name from the KeyLocator . :param Name objectName: The name of the data packet or interest. In the case of signed interests, this excludes the timestamp, nonce and signature components. :param BoostInfoTree rule: The rule from the configuration file that matches the data or interest. """ checker = rule['checker'][0] checkerType = checker['type'][0].getValue() if checkerType == 'fixed-signer': signerInfo = checker['signer'][0] signerType = signerInfo['type'][0].getValue() if signerType == 'file': cert = self._lookupCertificate(signerInfo['file-name'][0].getValue(), True) elif signerType == 'base64': cert = self._lookupCertificate(signerInfo['base64-string'][0].getValue(), False) else: return False if cert is None: return False else: return cert.getName().equals(signatureName) elif checkerType == 'hierarchical': # this just means the data/interest name has the signing identity as a prefix # that means everything before 'ksk-?' in the key name identityRegex = '^([^<KEY>]*)<KEY>(<>*)<ksk-.+><ID-CERT>' identityMatch = NdnRegexMatcher.match(identityRegex, signatureName) if identityMatch is not None: identityPrefix = Name( return self._matchesRelation(objectName, identityPrefix, 'is-prefix-of') else: return False elif checkerType == 'customized': keyLocatorInfo = checker['key-locator'][0] # not checking type - only name is supported # is this a simple relation? try: relationType = keyLocatorInfo['relation'][0].getValue() except KeyError: pass else: matchName = Name(keyLocatorInfo['name'][0].getValue()) return self._matchesRelation(signatureName, matchName, relationType) # is this a simple regex? try: keyRegex = keyLocatorInfo['regex'][0].getValue() except KeyError: pass else: return NdnRegexMatcher.match(keyRegex, signatureName) is not None # is this a hyper-relation? try: hyperRelation = keyLocatorInfo['hyper-relation'][0] except KeyError: pass else: try: keyRegex = hyperRelation['k-regex'][0].getValue() keyMatch = NdnRegexMatcher.match(keyRegex, signatureName) keyExpansion = hyperRelation['k-expand'][0].getValue() keyMatchPrefix = keyMatch.expand(keyExpansion) nameRegex = hyperRelation['p-regex'][0].getValue() nameMatch = NdnRegexMatcher.match(nameRegex, objectName) nameExpansion = hyperRelation['p-expand'][0].getValue() nameMatchStr = nameMatch.expand(nameExpansion) relationType = hyperRelation['h-relation'][0].getValue() return self._matchesRelation(Name(nameMatchStr), Name(keyMatchPrefix), relationType) except: pass # unknown type return False def _lookupCertificate(self, certID, isPath): """ This looks up certificates specified as base64-encoded data or file names. These are cached by filename or encoding to avoid repeated reading of files or decoding. """ try: certUri = self._fixedCertificateCache[certID] except KeyError: if isPath: # load the certificate data (base64 encoded IdentityCertificate) cert = TrustAnchorRefreshManager.loadIdentityCertificateFromFile( certID) else: certData = b64decode(certID) cert = IdentityCertificate() cert.wireDecode(certData) certUri = cert.getName()[:-1].toUri() self._fixedCertificateCache[certID] = certUri self._certificateCache.insertCertificate(cert) else: cert = self._certificateCache.getCertificate(Name(certUri)) return cert def _findMatchingRule(self, objName, matchType): """ Search the configuration file for the first rule that matches the data or signed interest name. In the case of interests, the name to match should exclude the timestamp, nonce, and signature components. :param Name objName: The name to be matched. :param string matchType: The rule type to match, "data" or "interest". """ rules = self.config["validator/rule"] for r in rules: if r['for'][0].getValue() == matchType: passed = True try: filters = r['filter'] except KeyError: # no filters means we pass! return r else: for f in filters: # don't check the type - it can only be name for now # we need to see if this is a regex or a relation try: regex = f['regex'][0].getValue() except KeyError: matchRelation = f['relation'][0].getValue() matchUri = f['name'][0].getValue() matchName = Name(matchUri) passed = self._matchesRelation(objName, matchName, matchRelation) else: passed = NdnRegexMatcher.match(regex, objName) is not None if not passed: break if passed: return r return None @staticmethod def _matchesRelation(name, matchName, matchRelation): """ Determines if a name satisfies the relation to another name, which can be one of: 'is-prefix-of' - passes if the name is equal to or has the other name as a prefix 'is-strict-prefix-of' - passes if the name has the other name as a prefix, and is not equal 'equal' - passes if the two names are equal """ passed = False if matchRelation == 'is-strict-prefix-of': if matchName.size() == name.size(): passed = False elif matchName.match(name): passed = True elif matchRelation == 'is-prefix-of': if matchName.match(name): passed = True elif matchRelation == 'equal': if matchName.equals(name): passed = True return passed @staticmethod def _extractSignature(dataOrInterest, wireFormat=None): """ Extract the signature information from the interest name or from the data packet. :param dataOrInterest: The object whose signature is needed. :type dataOrInterest: Data or Interest :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) The wire format used to decode signature information from the interest name. """ if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Data): return dataOrInterest.getSignature() elif isinstance(dataOrInterest, Interest): if wireFormat is None: # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change. wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat() try: signature = wireFormat.decodeSignatureInfoAndValue( dataOrInterest.getName().get(-2).getValue().buf(), dataOrInterest.getName().get(-1).getValue().buf()) except (IndexError, ValueError): return None return signature return None def _interestTimestampIsFresh(self, keyName, timestamp): """ Determine whether the timestamp from the interest is newer than the last use of this key, or within the grace interval on first use. :param Name keyName: The name of the public key used to sign the interest. :paramt int timestamp: The timestamp extracted from the interest name. """ try: lastTimestamp = self._keyTimestamps[keyName.toUri()] except KeyError: now = Common.getNowMilliseconds() notBefore = now - self._keyGraceInterval notAfter = now + self._keyGraceInterval return timestamp > notBefore and timestamp < notAfter else: return timestamp > lastTimestamp def _updateTimestampForKey(self, keyName, timestamp): """ Trim the table size down if necessary, and insert/update the latest interest signing timestamp for the key. Any key which has not been used within the TTL period is purged. If the table is still too large, the oldest key is purged. :param Name keyName: The name of the public key used to sign the interest. :paramt int timestamp: The timestamp extracted from the interest name. """ self._keyTimestamps[keyName.toUri()] = timestamp if len(self._keyTimestamps) >= self._maxTrackedKeys: now = Common.getNowMilliseconds() oldestTimestamp = now oldestKey = None trackedKeys = self._keyTimestamps.keys() for keyUri in trackedKeys: ts = self._keyTimestamps[keyUri] if now - ts > self._keyTimestampTtl: del self._keyTimestamps[keyUri] elif ts < oldestTimestamp: oldestTimestamp = ts oldestKey = keyUri if len(self._keyTimestamps) > self._maxTrackedKeys: # have not removed enough del self._keyTimestamps[oldestKey]
[docs] def checkVerificationPolicy(self, dataOrInterest, stepCount, onVerified, onVerifyFailed, wireFormat = None): """ If there is a rule matching the data or interest, and the matching certificate is missing, download it. If there is no matching rule, verification fails. Otherwise, verify the signature using the public key in the IdentityStorage. :param dataOrInterest: The Data object or interest with the signature to check. :type dataOrInterest: Data or Interest :param int stepCount: The number of verification steps that have been done, used to track the verification progress. :param onVerified: If the signature is verified, this calls onVerified(dataOrInterest). :type onVerified: function object :param onVerifyFailed: If the signature check fails, this calls onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest). :type onVerifyFailed: function object :return: None for no further step for looking up a certificate chain. :rtype: ValidationRequest """ if stepCount > self._maxDepth: onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None signature = self._extractSignature(dataOrInterest, wireFormat) # no signature -> fail if signature is None: onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None if not KeyLocator.canGetFromSignature(signature): # We only support signature types with key locators. onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None keyLocator = None try: keyLocator = KeyLocator.getFromSignature(signature) except: # No key locator -> fail. onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None signatureName = keyLocator.getKeyName() # no key name in KeyLocator -> fail if signatureName.size() == 0: onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None objectName = dataOrInterest.getName() matchType = "data" #for command interests, we need to ignore the last 4 components when matching the name if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Interest): objectName = objectName.getPrefix(-4) matchType = "interest" # first see if we can find a rule to match this packet try: matchedRule = self._findMatchingRule(objectName, matchType) except: matchedRule = None # no matching rule -> fail if matchedRule is None: onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None signatureMatches = self._checkSignatureMatch(signatureName, objectName, matchedRule) if not signatureMatches: onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None # before we look up keys, refresh any certificate directories self._refreshManager.refreshAnchors() # now finally check that the data or interest was signed correctly # if we don't actually have the certificate yet, create a # ValidationRequest for it foundCert = self._refreshManager.getCertificate(signatureName) if foundCert is None: foundCert = self._certificateCache.getCertificate(signatureName) if foundCert is None: certificateInterest = Interest(signatureName) def onCertificateDownloadComplete(certificate): certificate = IdentityCertificate(certificate) self._certificateCache.insertCertificate(certificate) self.checkVerificationPolicy(dataOrInterest, stepCount+1, onVerified, onVerifyFailed) nextStep = ValidationRequest(certificateInterest, onCertificateDownloadComplete, onVerifyFailed, 2, stepCount+1) return nextStep # for interests, we must check that the timestamp is fresh enough # I do this after (possibly) downloading the certificate to avoid # filling the cache with bad keys if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Interest): keyName = foundCert.getPublicKeyName() timestamp = dataOrInterest.getName().get(-4).toNumber() if not self._interestTimestampIsFresh(keyName, timestamp): onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest) return None # certificate is known, verify the signature if self._verify(signature, dataOrInterest.wireEncode()): onVerified(dataOrInterest) if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Interest): self._updateTimestampForKey(keyName, timestamp) else: onVerifyFailed(dataOrInterest)
def _verify(self, signatureInfo, signedBlob): """ Check the type of signatureInfo to get the KeyLocator. Look in the IdentityStorage for the public key with the name in the KeyLocator and use it to verify the signedBlob. If the public key can't be found, return false. (This is a generalized method which can verify both a Data packet and an interest.) :param Signature signatureInfo: An object of a subclass of Signature, e.g. Sha256WithRsaSignature. :param SignedBlob signedBlob: the SignedBlob with the signed portion to verify. :return: True if the signature verifies, False if not. :rtype: boolean """ # We have already checked once that there is a key locator. keyLocator = KeyLocator.getFromSignature(signatureInfo) if (keyLocator.getType() == KeyLocatorType.KEYNAME): # Assume the key name is a certificate name. signatureName = keyLocator.getKeyName() certificate = self._refreshManager.getCertificate(signatureName) if certificate is None: certificate = self._certificateCache.getCertificate(signatureName) if certificate is None: return False publicKeyDer = certificate.getPublicKeyInfo().getKeyDer() if publicKeyDer.isNull(): # Can't find the public key with the name. return False return self.verifySignature(signatureInfo, signedBlob, publicKeyDer) else: # Can't find a key to verify. return False
[docs]class TrustAnchorRefreshManager(object): """ Manages the trust-anchor certificates, including refresh. """ def __init__(self): super(TrustAnchorRefreshManager, self).__init__() self._certificateCache = CertificateCache() # maps the directory name to certificate names so they can be # deleted when necessary self._refreshDirectories = {} @staticmethod
[docs] def loadIdentityCertificateFromFile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as certFile: encodedData = decodedData = b64decode(encodedData) cert = IdentityCertificate() cert.wireDecode(Blob(decodedData, False)) return cert
[docs] def getCertificate(self, certificateName): # assumes timestamp is already removed return self._certificateCache.getCertificate(certificateName) # refershPeriod in milliseconds.
[docs] def addDirectory(self, directoryName, refreshPeriod): allFiles = [f for f in os.listdir(directoryName) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directoryName, f))] certificateNames = [] for f in allFiles: try: fullPath = os.path.join(directoryName, f) cert = self.loadIdentityCertificateFromFile(fullPath) except SecurityException: pass # allow files that are not certificates else: # cut off timestamp so it matches KeyLocator Name format certUri = cert.getName()[:-1].toUri() self._certificateCache.insertCertificate(cert) certificateNames.append(certUri) self._refreshDirectories[directoryName] = { 'certificates': certificateNames, 'nextRefresh': Common.getNowMilliseconds() + refreshPeriod, 'refreshPeriod':refreshPeriod }
[docs] def refreshAnchors(self): refreshTime = Common.getNowMilliseconds() for directory, info in self._refreshDirectories.items(): nextRefreshTime = info['nextRefresh'] if nextRefreshTime <= refreshTime: certificateList = info['certificates'][:] # delete the certificates associated with this directory if possible # then re-import # IdentityStorage subclasses may not support deletion # should we be deleting for c in certificateList: try: self._certificateCache.deleteCertificate(Name(c)) except KeyError: # was already removed? not supported? pass self.addDirectory(directory, info['refreshPeriod'])