Source code for pyndn.encrypt.schedule

# -*- Mode:python; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Regents of the University of California.
# Author: Jeff Thompson <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.

This module defines the Schedule class which is used to manage the times when a
member can access data using two sets of RepetitiveInterval as follows.
whiteIntervalList is an ordered set for the times a member is allowed to access
to data, and blackIntervalList is for the times a member is not allowed.
Note: This class is an experimental feature. The API may change.

from datetime import datetime
from pyndn.encoding.tlv.tlv import Tlv
from pyndn.encoding.tlv.tlv_encoder import TlvEncoder
from pyndn.encoding.tlv.tlv_decoder import TlvDecoder
from pyndn.util.blob import Blob
from pyndn.encrypt.interval import Interval
from pyndn.encrypt.repetitive_interval import RepetitiveInterval

[docs]class Schedule(object): """ Create a Schedule with one of these forms: Schedule() A Schedule with empty whiteIntervalList and blackIntervalList. Schedule(schedule). A copy of the given schedule. """ def __init__(self, value = None): if type(value) is Schedule: # Make a copy. schedule = value # RepetitiveInterval is immutable, so we don't need to make a deep copy. self._whiteIntervalList = schedule._whiteIntervalList[:] self._blackIntervalList = schedule._blackIntervalList[:] else: # The default constructor. self._whiteIntervalList = [] self._blackIntervalList = []
[docs] def addWhiteInterval(self, repetitiveInterval): """ Add the repetitiveInterval to the whiteIntervalList. :param RepetitiveInterval repetitiveInterval: The RepetitiveInterval to add. If the list already contains the same RepetitiveInterval, this does nothing. :return: This Schedule so you can chain calls to add. :rtype: Schedule """ # RepetitiveInterval is immutable, so we don't need to make a copy. Schedule._sortedSetAdd(self._whiteIntervalList, repetitiveInterval) return self
[docs] def addBlackInterval(self, repetitiveInterval): """ Add the repetitiveInterval to the blackIntervalList. :param RepetitiveInterval repetitiveInterval: The RepetitiveInterval to add. If the list already contains the same RepetitiveInterval, this does nothing. :return: This Schedule so you can chain calls to add. :rtype: Schedule """ # RepetitiveInterval is immutable, so we don't need to make a copy. Schedule._sortedSetAdd(self._blackIntervalList, repetitiveInterval) return self
[docs] class Result(object): def __init__(self, isPositive, interval): self.isPositive = isPositive self.interval = interval
[docs] def getCoveringInterval(self, timePoint): """ Get the interval that covers the time point. This iterates over the two repetitive interval sets and find the shortest interval that allows a group member to access the data. If there is no interval covering the time point, this returns False for isPositive and a negative interval. :param float timePoint: The time point as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. :return: An object with fields "isPositive" and "interval" where isPositive is True if the returned interval is positive or False if negative, and interval is the Interval covering the time point, or a negative interval if not found. :rtype: Schedule.Result """ blackPositiveResult = Interval(True) whitePositiveResult = Interval(True) blackNegativeResult = Interval() whiteNegativeResult = Interval() # Get the black result. for i in range(len(self._blackIntervalList)): element = self._blackIntervalList[i] result = element.getInterval(timePoint) tempInterval = result.interval if result.isPositive == True: # tempInterval covers the time point, so union the black negative # result with it. # Get the union interval of all the black intervals covering the # time point. # Return False for isPositive and the union interval. blackPositiveResult.unionWith(tempInterval) else: # tempInterval does not cover the time point, so intersect the # black negative result with it. # Get the intersection interval of all the black intervals not # covering the time point. # Return True for isPositive if the white positive result is # not empty, # False if it is empty. if not blackNegativeResult.isValid(): blackNegativeResult = tempInterval else: blackNegativeResult.intersectWith(tempInterval) # If the black positive result is not full, then isPositive must be False. if not blackPositiveResult.isEmpty(): return Schedule.Result(False, blackPositiveResult) # Get the whiteResult. for i in range(len(self._whiteIntervalList)): element = self._whiteIntervalList[i] result = element.getInterval(timePoint) tempInterval = result.interval if result.isPositive == True: # tempInterval covers the time point, so union the white # positive result with it. # Get the union interval of all the white intervals covering the # time point. # Return True for isPositive. whitePositiveResult.unionWith(tempInterval) else: # tempInterval does not cover the time point, so intersect the # white negative result with it. # Get the intersection of all the white intervals not covering # the time point. # Return False for isPositive if the positive result is empty, or # True if it is not empty. if not whiteNegativeResult.isValid(): whiteNegativeResult = tempInterval else: whiteNegativeResult.intersectWith(tempInterval) # If the positive result is empty then return False for isPositive. If # it is not empty then return True for isPositive. if not whitePositiveResult.isEmpty(): return Schedule.Result( True, whitePositiveResult.intersectWith(blackNegativeResult)) else: return Schedule.Result(False, whiteNegativeResult)
[docs] def wireEncode(self): """ Encode this Schedule. :return: The encoded buffer. :rtype: Blob """ # For now, don't use WireFormat and hardcode to use TLV since the # encoding doesn't go out over the wire, only into the local SQL database. encoder = TlvEncoder(256) saveLength = len(encoder) # Encode backwards. # Encode the blackIntervalList. saveLengthForList = len(encoder) for i in range(len(self._blackIntervalList) - 1, -1, -1): Schedule._encodeRepetitiveInterval(self._blackIntervalList[i], encoder) encoder.writeTypeAndLength( Tlv.Encrypt_BlackIntervalList, len(encoder) - saveLengthForList) # Encode the whiteIntervalList. saveLengthForList = len(encoder) for i in range(len(self._whiteIntervalList) - 1, -1, -1): Schedule._encodeRepetitiveInterval(self._whiteIntervalList[i], encoder) encoder.writeTypeAndLength( Tlv.Encrypt_WhiteIntervalList, len(encoder) - saveLengthForList) encoder.writeTypeAndLength( Tlv.Encrypt_Schedule, len(encoder) - saveLength) return Blob(encoder.getOutput(), False)
[docs] def wireDecode(self, input): """ Decode the input and update this Schedule object. :param input: The array with the bytes to decode. :type input: An array type with int elements :raises ValueError: For invalid encoding. """ # If input is a blob, get its buf(). decodeBuffer = input.buf() if isinstance(input, Blob) else input # For now, don't use WireFormat and hardcode to use TLV since the # encoding doesn't go out over the wire, only into the local SQL database. decoder = TlvDecoder(decodeBuffer) endOffset = decoder.readNestedTlvsStart(Tlv.Encrypt_Schedule) # Decode the whiteIntervalList. self._whiteIntervalList = [] listEndOffset = decoder.readNestedTlvsStart(Tlv.Encrypt_WhiteIntervalList) while decoder.getOffset() < listEndOffset: Schedule._sortedSetAdd( self._whiteIntervalList, Schedule._decodeRepetitiveInterval(decoder)) decoder.finishNestedTlvs(listEndOffset) # Decode the blackIntervalList. self._blackIntervalList = [] listEndOffset = decoder.readNestedTlvsStart(Tlv.Encrypt_BlackIntervalList) while decoder.getOffset() < listEndOffset: Schedule._sortedSetAdd( self._blackIntervalList, Schedule._decodeRepetitiveInterval(decoder)) decoder.finishNestedTlvs(listEndOffset) decoder.finishNestedTlvs(endOffset)
@staticmethod def _sortedSetAdd(list, element): """ Insert element into the list, sorted using If it is a duplicate of an existing list element, don't add it. """ # Find the index of the first element where it is not less than element. i = 0 while i < len(list): comparison = list[i].compare(element) if comparison == 0: # Don't add a duplicate. return if not (comparison < 0): break i += 1 list.insert(i, element) @staticmethod def _encodeRepetitiveInterval(repetitiveInterval, encoder): """ Encode the RepetitiveInterval as NDN-TLV to the encoder. :param RepetitiveInterval repetitiveInterval: The RepetitiveInterval to encode. :param TlvEncoder encoder: The TlvEncoder to receive the encoding. """ saveLength = len(encoder) # Encode backwards. # The RepeatUnit enum has the same values as the encoding. encoder.writeNonNegativeIntegerTlv( Tlv.Encrypt_RepeatUnit, repetitiveInterval.getRepeatUnit()) encoder.writeNonNegativeIntegerTlv( Tlv.Encrypt_NRepeats, repetitiveInterval.getNRepeats()) encoder.writeNonNegativeIntegerTlv( Tlv.Encrypt_IntervalEndHour, repetitiveInterval.getIntervalEndHour()) encoder.writeNonNegativeIntegerTlv( Tlv.Encrypt_IntervalStartHour, repetitiveInterval.getIntervalStartHour()) # Use Blob to convert the string to UTF8 encoding. encoder.writeBlobTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_EndDate, Blob(Schedule.toIsoString(repetitiveInterval.getEndDate())).buf()) encoder.writeBlobTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_StartDate, Blob(Schedule.toIsoString(repetitiveInterval.getStartDate())).buf()) encoder.writeTypeAndLength( Tlv.Encrypt_RepetitiveInterval, len(encoder) - saveLength) @staticmethod def _decodeRepetitiveInterval(decoder): """ Decode the input as an NDN-TLV RepetitiveInterval. :param TlvDecoder decoder: The decoder with the input to decode. :return: A new RepetitiveInterval with the decoded result. :rtype: RepetitiveInterval """ endOffset = decoder.readNestedTlvsStart(Tlv.Encrypt_RepetitiveInterval) # Use Blob to convert UTF8 to a string. startDate = Schedule.fromIsoString( str(Blob(decoder.readBlobTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_StartDate), True))) endDate = Schedule.fromIsoString( str(Blob(decoder.readBlobTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_EndDate), True))) startHour = decoder.readNonNegativeIntegerTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_IntervalStartHour) endHour = decoder.readNonNegativeIntegerTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_IntervalEndHour) nRepeats = decoder.readNonNegativeIntegerTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_NRepeats) # The RepeatUnit enum has the same values as the encoding. repeatUnit = decoder.readNonNegativeIntegerTlv(Tlv.Encrypt_RepeatUnit) decoder.finishNestedTlvs(endOffset) return RepetitiveInterval( startDate, endDate, startHour, endHour, nRepeats, repeatUnit) @staticmethod
[docs] def toIsoString(msSince1970): """ Convert a UNIX timestamp to ISO time representation with the "T" in the middle. :param float msSince1970: Timestamp as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. :return: The string representation. :rtype: str """ dateFormat = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" return datetime.utcfromtimestamp( round(msSince1970 / 1000.0)).strftime(dateFormat)
[docs] def fromIsoString(timeString): """ Convert an ISO time representation with the "T" in the middle to a UNIX timestamp. :param str timeString: The ISO time representation. :return: The timestamp as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. :rtype: float """ if len(timeString) != 15 or timeString[8:9] != 'T': raise RuntimeError("fromIsoString: Format is not the expected yyyymmddThhmmss") utc = datetime( int(timeString[0:4]), int(timeString[4:6]), int(timeString[6:8]), int(timeString[9:11]), int(timeString[11:13]), int(timeString[13:15])) return (utc - Schedule._posixEpoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0
_posixEpoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)